Kansas Geological Survey, Current Research in Earth Sciences, Bulletin 243, part 1
Sedimentology and Ichnology of Paleozoic Estuarine and Shoreface Reservoirs, Morrow Sandstone, Lower Pennsylvanian of Southwest Kansas, USA--Summary

Summary Information
- Published online November 9, 1999 as Current Research in Earth Sciences, Bulletin 243, part 1.
- Suggested citation: Buatois, Luis A., Mángano, Gabriela, and Carr, Timothy C., 1999, Sedimentology and Ichnology of Paleozoic Estuarine and Shoreface Reservoirs, Morrow Sandstone, Lower Pennsylvanian of Southwest Kansas, USA: Current Research in Earth Sciences, Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 243, part 1. http://www.kgs.ku.edu/Current/1999/buatois1.html (date on which you viewed the online article).
- PDF (Portable Document Format) file created November 9, 1999.
Kansas Geological Survey
Web version February 25, 2000