Fig. 12. Calculated reflection coefficients for dry and water-saturated, two-layer models plotted against the percentage of quartz in the lower layer. The upper layer is 100% quartz with a 20% porosity, and the lower layer is calcite with variable amounts of quartz and a 20% porosity. The shaded area indicates power reflectivity values of less than 0.01, a conservative estimate of the threshold at which background noise may preclude recording of reflection information (i.e., SNR 1; Annan, 1996). Comparison with fig. 11 illustrates the greater relative influence of porosity on reflection coefficients.
Capillary-pressure differences are likely to result in low water saturations in high porosity, coarse-grained rocks and in higher water saturations in low porosity, fine-grained rocks and shales. While such differences might be expected to result in large reflection-coefficient values (as between sands and shales, for example), in fact, decreased porosity in finer-grained rocks results in less pore space available for water and a smaller bulk dielectric constant, even with the pores of the shale completely saturated. For example, in a shale that is 50% quartz ( = 4.5) and 50% mica ( = 6.5) and has 8% porosity that is water saturated ( = 81), the bulk dielectric constant, calculated using the TP model, is only 8.2. At an interface with relatively dry (Sw < 20%) quartz sand with porosity between 0% and 50% (bulk 4.5-5.7), single-fold reflection coefficients range from 0.10 to 0.15, equal to or only slightly above background noise (RC = 0.10). For carbonates interbedded with calcareous shales (bulk 10.8), similar reflection-coefficient values are exhibited for similar ranges in porosity and water saturation.
Vertical imaging resolution can be calculated using worksheet 6 (appendix A), which utilizes Eq. (7). For rocks with a bulk dielectric constant of 2.5, vertical imaging resolution ranges from 0.2 m to 0.1 m at GPR frequencies of 200-400 MHz and decreases to 0.06-0.03 m in rocks with = 30. Thus, in rocks with low and high dielectric constants, GPR vertical resolution is capable of imaging fine-scale (less than 20 cm) bedding features. The long radii of GPR footprints for frequencies of 200-400 MHz in rocks with bulk dielectric constants ranging from 2.5 to 30 are approximately 1.7 m to 0.4 m, respectively, at 2-m depth (calculated using worksheet 7). These footprints indicate that small lateral changes in rock properties may not be precisely resolved. In addition, many GPR surveys are conducted using 125-450 MHz antennas. Whereas this difference in frequency may significantly change vertical resolution, the footprint size at 2 m decreases by less than 20% from 125 MHz to 450 MHz. This suggests that some smaller-scale features in near-surface rocks and sediments are unresolvable using GPR.
Kansas Geological Survey
Web version December 3, 2001