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Logs of Wells and Test Holes, continued

T. 30 S. || T. 31 S. || T. 32 S. || T. 33 S. || T. 34 S. || T. 35 S.

35-3-1aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 1, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., in City Park 120 feet west of Summit Street, west of gas-metering station; augered June 8, 1957; depth to water, 7.90 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,066.1 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Sand, fine, silty 2 4
Sand, fine to coarse 11 15
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 35 50
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Nolans Limestone
Limestone, hard, white 0.5 50.5

35-3-1ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 1, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 6 feet east and 50 feet north of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 21, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,122.9 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, red brown 6 6
Silt, tan brown 7 13
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray, and white limestone streaks 2 15

35-3-2aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 2, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 30 feet west and 16 feet south of center of road crossing; augered Aul-,,. 21, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,119.6 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, reddish brown 6 6
Silt, tan brown 11 17
Silt, tan 2 19
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray, and limestone streaks 2 21

35-3-2ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 2, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., in center of triangle formed by road curve; augered Aug. 21, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,138.9 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, gray 7 7
Silt, buff 5 12
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray, and white limestone 2.1 14.1

35-3-4bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 4, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 6 feet south and 50 feet east of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 21, 1958; altitude of land surface, 1,166.7 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, dark brown 6 6
Silt, red brown 2 8
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Sand, fine to coarse, very silty, brown 4 12
Silt, tan to buff 5 17
Silt, buff; contains fine sand 9 26
Silt, gray 3 29
Sand, fine to coarse; contains silt stringers 4 33
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 2 35

35-3-5bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 5, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., in south road ditch 50 feet east of road crossing; angered Aug. 21, 1958; depth to water, 33.50 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,161.9 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 4 4
Silt, reddish brown 12 16
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, gray to buff 5 21
Silt, brown; some fine to coarse sand 16 37
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 1 38

35-3-6bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 6, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 40 feet east and 16 feet south of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 21, 1958; depth to water, 32.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,209.5 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 5 5
Silt, reddish brown 6 11
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, tan; contains some fine to coarse sand 5 16
Silt, gray, and much fine to coarse sand 10 26
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to coarse gravel 7 33
Clay, tan 3 36
Clay, gray to buff; contains some fine sand 14 50
Clay and sand interbedded 14 64
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, soft, gray 6 70

35-3-6ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 6, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 6 feet east and 50 feet north of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 18, 1958; altitude of land surface, 1,192.0 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, dark gray 5 5
Silt, brown 5 10
Silt, tan 10 20
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, buff; contains fine to medium sand 15 35
Silt, tan 5 40
Silt, tan and buff 5 45
Silt, buff 5 50
Silt, tan, and fine to coarse sand 5 55
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 1 56

35-3-6ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 6, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 50 feet west and 12 feet north of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 21, 1958; depth to water, 37.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,192.3 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Silt, brown 10 15
Silt, reddish brown 5 20
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, tan, and fine to coarse gravel, some sand 15 35
Sand, fine to coarse, silty 5 40
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray green 2 42

35-3-7ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 7, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 100 feet north and 6 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 5, 1957; depth to water, 12.70 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,176.8 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Recent Stage
Silt, sandy, brown 5 5
Silt, gray, some imbedded fine gravel 5 10
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, buff 5 15
Silt, tan, and fine to coarse interbedded sand 5 20
Silt, buff 5 25
Sand, fine to coarse, silty, buff 10 35
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, blue gray 1 36

35-3-8aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 8, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 30 feet west and 8 feet south of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 21, 1958; depth to water, 28.50 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,185.2 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, reddish brown 10 12
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, red brown to tan, clayey 8 20
Silt, tan 10 30
Silt, clayey, red brown 10 40
Silt, fine sandy, red brown 6 46
Sand, fine to coarse; some fine to coarse silty gravel 17 63
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, weathered, gray 7 70

35-3-9aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 9, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 75 feet west and 8 feet south of center of crossing; augered June 5, 1957; depth to water,, 33.60 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,176.6 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, red brown 5 5
Silt, brown 2 7
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, much buff silt 11 18
Silt, tan to buff, some fine sand 3 21
Silt, gray 17 38
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray green 3 41

35-3-12ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 12, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 75 feet north and 8 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 4, 1957; drv hole; altitude of land surface, 1,164.4 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, tan brown 3 3
Silt, tan, and limestone pebbles 2 5
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 3 8

35-3-13ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 13, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 100 feet north and 10 feet east of center of road crossing; augered Aul-,. 18, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,178.4 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 5 5
Silt, tan 10 15
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, gray, and fine to medium sand 5 20
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, very silty 6 26
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 4 30

35-3-14bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 14, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 125 feet south and 6 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 4, 1957; altitude of land surface, 1,169.6 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, brown 3 5
Silt, tan 5 10
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, fine sandy, buff 5 15
Silt, sandy, buff 23 38
Silt, buff, and fine to coarse sand streaks 28 66
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray to blue gray 1 67

35-3-14ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 14, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 100 feet north and 10 feet east of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 18, 1958; depth to water, 30.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,160.7 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 5 5
Silt, red brown 20 25
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, light tan 13 38
Sand, fine, and buff silt 5 43
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale and limestone 1 44

35-3-15bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 15, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 75 feet south and 6 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 4, 1957; depth to water, 31.70 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,168.0 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, brown 7 9
Silt, tan 6 15
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, red brown 8 23
Silt, buff; contains some coarse gravel 3 26
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, silty, buff; gravel is both local and arkosic 9 35
Silt, buff, and some fine gravel 12 47
Silt, buff, and fine to coarse interbedded sand 18 65
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, blue gray 2 67

35-3-15ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 15, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 75 feet north and 6 feet east of center of crossing; augered June 5, 1957; depth to water, 5.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,147.4 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 10 10
Silt, clayey, tan 5 15
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, light gray 15 30
Silt, gray, and interbedded sand 5 35
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, blue gray 1 36
Limestone, hard, white 0.5 36.5

35-3-17aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 17, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 75 feet west and 8 feet south of center of crossing; augered June 4, 1957; depth to water, 31.50 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,173.2 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, gray 6 8
Silt, fine sandy, gray 4 12
Silt, tan 18 30
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, sandy, fine, tan 10 40
Silt, sandy, fine, buff 4 44
Silt, light gray; contains much fine to coarse sand 21 65
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, light blue gray 2 67

35-3-17ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 17, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 50 feet west and 8 feet north of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 18, 1958; deptli to water, 10.10 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,155.6 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Silt, brown 15 20
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, light tan; contains much fine sand 5 25
Sand, fine to coarse, and tan silt 5 30
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray green 3 33

35-3-18aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 18, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 50 feet west and 8 feet south of center of crossing; augered June 4, 1957; depth to water, 34.30 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,185.9 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 3 3
Silt, red brown 17 20
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, buff, and interbedded fine sand 3 23
Sand, fine to medium, silty, buff 17 40
Silt, gray, and interbedded fine to coarse sand 17 57
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, blue gray 1 58

35-3-18ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. sec. 18, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 10 feet north and 50 feet east of center of road crossing; augered Aug. 1.8, 1958; depth to water, 24.40 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,185.5 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Silt, brown to tan brown 20 25
Lower Pleistocene--Yarmouthian and Kansan Stages
Sappa and Grand Island Formations
Silt, gray; contains fine sand 10 35
Silt, tan 5 40
Sand, fine, and tan silt 10 50
Permian--Middle Permian Series
Sumner Group
Wellington Formation
Shale, gray 3 53

35-3-18ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. sec. 18, T. 35 S., R. 3 E., 8 feet north and 50 feet west of center of crossing; augered Aug. 18, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,178.1 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, brown 5 5
Silt, red brown 10 15
Silt, gray green 5 20

35-4-2add--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. NE sec. 2, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., 12 feet west and 21 feet south of east gate post; drilled April 18, 1944; depth to water, 5.29 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,049.5 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Recent Stage
Sand, fine to medium, and light-brown silt 5 5
Sand, fine to coarse; some fine to coarse gravel 5 10
Gravel, fine to medium, and fine to coarse sand 20 30
Gravel, very coarse, and fine to coarse sand 14 44
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Matfield Shale
Shale, red brown 6 50

35-4-3ada--Sample log of test hole in NE SE NE sec. 3, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., 200 feet west of curve on south shoulder of road; augered June 9, 1957; depth to water, 6.10 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,041.8 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Sand, fine 10 10
Sand, fine to coarse 8 18
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse; some gravel at 18 to 22 feet, derived from Permian rocks 19 37
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray 1 38

35-4-4aad--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. NE NE sec. 4, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., 60 feet north and 5 feet west of center of crossing; augered June 9, 1957; depth to water, 14.70 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,055.3 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 6 6
Silt, sandy, fine, tan 2 8
Sand, fine 5 13
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 9 22
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Limestone, hard, blue white 0.5 22.5

35-4-5abb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. NW NE sec. 5, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., on east road shoulder 100 feet north of curve in road; augered June 11, 1957; depth to water, 8.40 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,048.8 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Recent Stage
Sand, fine to medium 21 21
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 21 42
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray 2 44

35-4-5daa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. NE SE sec. 5, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., on south road shoulder at entrance to field; augered June 8, 1957; depth to water, 6.40 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,054.0 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Sand, fine, silty, black 5 5
Sand, fine to coarse 7 12
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 16 28
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray to buff 2 30

35-4-11aaa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. sec. 11, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., on south road shoulder 50 feet west of corner; augered Aug. 24, 1958; depth to water, 31.20 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,061.1 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, black; contains very fine sand 3 3
Silt, brown; contains very fine sand 3 6
Silt, brown 10 16
Sand, fine (dune), silty 9 25
Sand, fine 7 32
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Barneston Limestone
Limestone, hard, white 0.5 32.5

35-4-11add--Sample log of test hole in SE cor. NE sec. 11, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., on west road shoulder 30 feet north of ',2-mile line; augered Aug. 24, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,108.0 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, dark brown 6 6
Silt, clayey, tan brown; contains some small caliche nodules 2 8
Silt, buff; contains small caliche nodules 4 12
Silt, gray 4 16
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray 4 20

35-4-11baa--Sample log of test hole in NE cor. NW sec. 11, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., on south road shoulder 250 feet west of "2-mile line; augered Aug. 24, 1958; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,113.1 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Sand, very fine; contains much silt 3 3
Sand, very fine 5 8
Silt, dark brown 5 13
Silt, brown 14 27
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray 2.5 29.5
Limestone, white 0.3 29.8

35-4-13aab--Sample log of test hole in NW NE NE sec. 13, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., on south road shoulder 100 feet west of house; augered June 10, 1957; dry hole; altitude of land surface, 1,036.0 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Eolian deposits
Silt, dark brown 3 3
Silt, brown 7 10
Silt, brown, some very fine sand near bottom 24 34
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Doyle Shale
Shale, gray 1 35

35-4-13ddc--Sample log of test hole in SW cor. SE SE sec. 13, T. 35 S., R. 4 E., 100 feet north of creek crossing; augered June 10, 1957; depth to water, 7.20 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,075.5 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Silt, black 5 5
Silt, brown 5 10
Sand, fine to coarse, very silty 6 16
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Barneston Limestone
Limestone, white 1 17

35-5-18bbb--Sample log of test hole in NW cor. sec. 18, T. 35 S., R. 5 E., on soutli shoulder of road 30 feet from river bank; angered June 9, 1957; depth to water. 6.00 feet; altitude of land surface, 1,024.6 feet. Thickness,
Upper Pleistocene--Wisconsinan Stage
Terrace deposits
Silt, sandy, red brown 5 5
Sand, fine 10 15
Permian--Lower Permian Series
Chase Group
Barneston Limestone
Limestone, hard, white 0.5 15.5

T. 30 S. || T. 31 S. || T. 32 S. || T. 33 S. || T. 34 S. || T. 35 S.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web May 21, 2009; originally published August 1962.
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