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Geohydrology of Logan County

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells

On the pages that follow are given the logs of 43 test holes and wells drilled in Logan County and adjoining areas (Pl. 2). Nine of the logs were supplied by drillers (drillers logs); the other 34 logs are of test holes and wells drilled by the State Geological Survey (sample logs). The test drilling by the Geological Survey was concentrated in upland areas to obtain detailed information on the thickness and character of the Ogallala formation. The geologic sections shown in Plates 3 and 4 are based mainly on data obtained from these logs.

Samples from test holes drilled by the State Geological Survey were collected every 10 feet or at each noticeable change in lithology. The samples were examined and logged in the field and later studied microscopically in the laboratory.

10-32-36dd. Sample log of test hole in the SE cor. sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 32 W., Thomas County (Frye, 1945, p. 104). Surface altitude, 3,053.8 feet; depth to water, 106 feet. Thickness,
Soil, gray brown to black33
Sanborn Group
Silt and very fine sand, yellow gray2023
Silt, buff to white; contains clay, fine gravel, and caliche225
Ogallala formation
Gravel, sand, and caliche1338
Silt, pink tan; contains sand, caliche, and gravel3270
Gravel and sand1282
Silt, sand, and caliche, tan688
Gravel and sand, buff694
Silt, gravel, and sand, buff21115
Gravel and sand, buff10125
Silt, sand, and gravel, gray9134
Gravel and sand7141
Silt, gravel, and sand2143
Gravel, sand, and silt, buff13156
Silt, sand, and gravel, tan8164
Gravel, sand, and silt, cemented with calcium carbonate, gray16180
Silt, gravel, sand, and caliche, tan to gray35215
Pierre shale
Shale, green gray and yellow5220
Shale, yellow to light gray blue10230
Shale, gray20250
10-34-36dd. Sample log of test hole in the SE SE sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 34 W., Thomas County (Frye, 1945, p. 103). Surface altitude, 3,191.2 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty, gray22
Sanborn Group
Silt and very fine sand, tan gray2123
Silt and clay, gray brown1235
Silt and clay, tan buff; contains gravel and caliche1247
Ogallala formation
Gravel, sand, silt, and caliche, buff956
Silt, sand, gravel, and caliche, tan258
Gravel and sand, partly cemented361
Clay, bentonitic (?), silty, yellow buff465
Silt, tan and gray; contains sand and gravel974
Gravel, sand, and caliche, gray and buff30104
Silt, caliche, and sand, tan to gray7111
Gravel, sand, and caliche, yellow gray19130
Sand, gravel, and clay, yellow gray15145
Silt, caliche, and sand, yellow oray7152
Pierre shale
Shale, light green, mottled yellow4160
Shale, gray green and gray15175
10-35-31cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW cor. sec. 31, T. 10 S., R. 35 W., Thomas County (Frye, 1945, p. 101). Surface altitude, 3,353.4 feet. Thickness,
Road fill22
Sanborn Group
Silt and very fine sand, yellow gray1517
Silt, gray brown to white; contains sand, gravel, and caliche320
Ogallala formation
Silt, clay, sand, gravel, and caliche, white1232
Gravel and sand, cemented1345
Silt, caliche, sand, and gravel, light brown1055
Gravel, sand, and caliche1469
Silt, clay, sand, and caliche, light green yellow to light brown2998
Sand, cemented22120
Gravel and sand20140
Silt, green and brown; contains sand, caliche, and clay24164
Sand, yellow brown; contains silt12176
Silt, clay, sand, and caliche, yellow brown11187
Gravel and sand7194
Clay and silt, yellow buff and light gray green7201
Gravel and sand14215
Pierre shale
Shale, light gray green and gray5220
Shale, gray10230
10-37-32cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW cor. sec. 32, T. 10 S., R. 37 W.; drilled August 1949. Sherman County (Prescott, 1953, p. 118-119). Surface altitude, 3,307.8 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group-Peoria formation
Silt, dark brown99
Silt, light brown; contains snail shells; contains sand from 40 to 44 feet3544
Silt, black; contains many snail shells246
Ogallala formation
Sand, coarse, and fine to coarse gravel753
Mortar bed356
Sand, fine to medium; contains some cemented layers between 60 and 70 feet1470
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; contains some medium to coarse gravel1080
Sand, fine to coarse; contains cemented layers of sand and gravel1797
Mortar bed5102
Sand, medium to coarse; contains some gravel; partly cemented6108
Sand, fine to medium4112
Gravel, medium to coarse4116
Pierre shale
Shale, light gray to red brown4120
Shale, light gray3123
Shale, dark blue7130
11-32-2bc. Drillers log of test hole in the City of Oakley in the SW NW sec. 2, T. 11 S., R. 32 W., drilled October 21, 1946, by Wesley Page, Oakley, Kansas. Thickness,
Surface material44
Sanborn Group
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, firm856
Gravel, small3288
Clay and sandstone391
Gravel, small11102
Clay and small gravel streaks 1 inch thick11160
Clay, mostly, with small gravel streaks20180
Clay and sandstone streaks3183
Pierre (?) shale
11-32-3bd1. Drillers log of public-supply well of the City of Oakley in the SE NW sec. 3, T. 11 S., R. 32 W., drilled July 22, 1948, by Norton Manufacturing Company, Norton, Kansas. Surface altitude, 3,055.9 feet. Thickness,
Soil, black33
Sanborn Group
Clay, yellow1922
Ogallala formation
Clay, light colored628
Clay, sandy1240
Clay, sandy, gray545
Clay, sandy348
Gravel, dry755
Clay, yellow257
Rock, magnesia259
Formation, sandy670
Formation, clay, sandy1383
Gravel, 30 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter992
Gravel, 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter198
Rock, hard3101
Gravel, 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter2103
Clay, gray3106
Rock, soft, white4110
Sandstone, hard5118
Gravel, 20 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter1119
Clay, gray7126
Gravel, 20 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter9135
Gravel, 50 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter9144
Sand and gravel25176
Sand and gravel7188
Sandstone, hard1189
Sandstone, very hard5205
Rock, very hard5210
Sand and gravel5215
Gravel, 30 percent of sample 1/16 inch in diameter2217
Clay, sandy6236
Gravel, 30 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/4 inch in diameter5241
Sand, fine3244
Gravel, 30 percent of sample 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter3248
Pierre (?) shale
Rock2 250
11-32-3bd2. Sample log of observation well in the SE NW sec. 3, T. 11 S., R. 32 W., drilled August 16, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,054.9 feet; depth to water, 102.74 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty and clayey, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, light olive gray33
Sanborn Group
Silt, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains some gastropods and fragments25
Silt, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains abundant gastropods1015
Silt, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; few gastropods520
Ogallala formation
Siltstone, slightly sandy, weakly cemented, very calcareous, yellowish gray2.522.5
Siltstone, clayey, slightly sandy, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange; contains much white calcareous material7.530.0
Shale, sandy and silty, compact, argillaceous, calcareous, pale grayish orange1040
Siltstone, sandy and clayey, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange242
Sandstone, silty, fine grained, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange547
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel and some silt, loose, calcareous, grayish orange451
Siltstone, clayey, quartzose, slightly calcareous, yellowish gray960
Siltstone, clayey, some fine sand, quartzose, slightly calcareous, yellowish gray464
Sandstone, silty, fine grained, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange, 1579
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, pale grayish orange685
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange590
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray494
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, yellowish gray0.594.5
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains some granite cobbles7.5102
Siltstone, sandy and clayey, moderately cemented, yellowish gray6108
Shale, moderately cemented, yellowish gray3111
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and some coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange5116
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, some large rock fragments, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange6122
Siltstone, much fine to medium sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink8130
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink9139
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink1140
Siltstone, much fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange6146
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink4150
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some fine sand and silt., quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink8.5158.5
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange0.5159
11-32-14cb. Sample log of test hole on east shoulder of road 0.30 mile north of section corner in the NW SW sec. 14, T. 11 S., R. 32 W., drilled July 29, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,050.1 feet. Thickness,
Soil, black11
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, weakly cemented, yellowish gray23
Silt, sandy, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains gastropods710
Silt, sandy, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains abundant gastropod fauna919
Silt, clayey and sandy, weakly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange; contains some gastropod fragments4.523.5
Sand, fine to coarse grained, much gravel and silt, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish pink orange6.630.1
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, silty, fine to coarse grained, some gravel, firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange232.1
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale to grayish orange7.539.6
Shale, silty, some sand, argillaceous and calcareous, very pale yellow and brown; contains much white calcareous material5.545.1
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, very weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown348.1
Shale, sandy, argillaceous and calcareous, pale olive250.1
Siltstone, clayey, some sand, weakly cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange1060.1
Siltstone, clayey, slightly sandy, weakly cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange1070.1
Shale, silty, some sand, weakly cemented, argillaceous and calcareous, light greenish gray777.1
Sandstone, medium. to coarse grained, much fine gravel and some clay, loose, calcareous, reddish gray986.1
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine to medium gravel, moderately well cemented, pale grayish red187.1
Siltstone, much. sand and medium gravel, firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish red491.1
Siltstone, sandy, some clay and gravel, firmly cemented, calcareous, light reddish gray697.1
Siltstone, much sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange7104.1
Conglomerate,, fine to medium grained, much sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange3107.1
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, and fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange5112.1
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange15127.1
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange5132.1
Siltstone, sandy, calcareous, moderate orange red; contains woody fragments5137.1
Siltstone, sandy, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange3140.1
Conglomerate, coarse grained, some sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange4144.1
Siltstone, clayey, some sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, light grayish orange10154.1
Siltstone, clayey, some sand, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale orange, pink3157.1
Pierre (?) shale
Shale, very calcareous, pale yellowish orange10167.1
Shale, very calcareous, pale yellowish orange and light greenish gray10177.1
Shale, firmly cemented, very calcareous, medium gray15192.1
11-32-26cb. Sample log of test hole 0.3 mile north of SW cor. sec. 26, T. 11 S., R. 32 W., drilled July 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,038.4 feet. Thickness,
Soil, weakly cemented, gray0.70.7
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, weakly cemented, calcareous1.32
Silt, clayey, some fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains gastropod fragments810
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray313
Silt, clayey, some fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink417
Silt, clayey, some fine sand and gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale orange pink320
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and some medium and coarse sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange727
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, and some fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange330
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange434
Siltstone, clayey, some fine and coarse sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange33
Siltstone, clayey, some sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange744
Siltstone, very sparse sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, pale orange pink549
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink150
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt, quartzose, calcareous, pale orange pink55
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and fine gravel, quartzose, calcareous, pale orange pink459
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, light gray463
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, calcareous, pale grayish orange669
Shale, compact, very calcareous, very pale orange170
Siltstone, clayey, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink272
Sandstone, very fine grained, much silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange678
Siltstone, some light-gray clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale orange pink280
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange383
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and some fine gravel, quartzose, loose, calcareous, pale orange pink689
Siltstone, clayey, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish pink190
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink292
Shale, silty, very compact, very calcareous, grayish orange pink597
Siltstone, some medium to coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink3100
Siltstone, some clay, fine sand, and gravel, very firmly cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink5105
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and somewhat feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink3108
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some fine to coarse sand and some silt, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange2110
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange7117
Pierre (?) shale
Shale, fairly compact, calcareous, pale orange to dusky yellow3120
Shale, compact, calcareous, light yellow and dark yellow orange5125
Shale, compact, calcareous, light gray and yellow orange5130
11-32-34bb. Drillers log of test hole of Sylvester Mader in the NW NW sec. 34, T. 11 S., R. 32 W., drilled in 1953 by Struckoff Brothers, Grinnell, Kansas. Surface altitude, 3,038 feet. Thickness,
No sample6464
Ogallala formation
Sand and clay772
Gravel, coarse375
Gravel, good, medium1494
Gravel, medium10106
Pierre (?) shale
Clay, soapy6112
11-33-14bc2. Sample log of observation well 178 feet south of irrigation well in the SW NW sec. 14, T. 11 S., R. 33 W., drilled August 17, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,132.5 feet; depth to water, 133.84 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown56
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains many gastropods410
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown1020
Silt, and some clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink222
Silt, and some clay, quartzose, weakly to moderately cemented, very calcareous., pale grayish orange pink224
Silt, and some clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, light gray to white327
Silt, some clay, and a few grains of coarse sand, quartzose, weakly to moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale grayish orange pink532
Silt, some fine to coarse sand, and some clay, quartzose, weakly to moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale grayish orange pink4.536.5
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt and clay and some fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink5.542
Siltstone, much clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale orange850
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange7.557.5
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, reddish orange2.560
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale orange868
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt and coarse sand and some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale orange3.571.5
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt and reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, orange pink677.5
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much fine to coarse sand and some clay, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink7.585
Shale, much silt and some sand, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange186
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, fine gravel and fine sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange7.593.5
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much fine gravel and coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink6.5100
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some coarse, sand, quartzose and feldspathic, calcareous, weakly cemented, grayish orange pink18118
Siltstone, some clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink2120
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink10130
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much fine gravel and some silt, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains thin beds or lenses of conglomerate10140
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink10150
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, small amount of gravel and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink7157
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt and reddish clay, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately to very firmly cemented, grayish orange pink3160
11-34-13bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. sec. 13, T. 11 S., R. 34 W., drilled August 5, 1954. Surface altittide, 3,169.8 feet; depth to water, 115.5 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty, somewhat clayey, quartzose, wedkly cemented, slightly calcareous, yellowish brown11
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown45
Silt, some clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains a few gastropods1015
Siltstone, much clay, and slightly sandy, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink722
Siltstone, considerable clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange325
Siltstone, much clay and some medium to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale-grayish orange530
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink535
Siltstone, much fine to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink1.536.5
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink3.540
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine to very coarse gravel. and fine sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink1050
Conglomerate, coarse sand, and medium to fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink1565
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, reddish orange570
Conglomerate, fine grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink47.4
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink377
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange986
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink14100
Shale, silty, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink10110
Siltstone, much clay, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink5115
Shale, silty, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink9124
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink6130
Sandstone,, fine to medium grained, some silt and coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange10140
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink2142
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink7.5149.5
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and fine gravel, quartzoge, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink; contains a very firmly cemented layer at 149.5 feet10.5160
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink6166
Pierre shale
Shale, somewhat bentonitic, firmly cemented, slightly calcareous, light gray and pale yellowish orange9175
Shale, clayey, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, dark medium gray5180
11-34-24ca1. Drillers log of irrigation well of Horace Holmes in the NE SW sec. 24, T. 11 S., R. 34 W., drilled in 1945 by C. A. Robbin, Norton, Kansas. Surface altitude, 3,114.8 feet; depth to water, 59.83 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Soil, dark1010
Clay, yellow1525
Ogallala formation
Gravel, dry429
Clay, gray130
Gravel, dry838
Clay, yellow341
Gravel, 20 percent of sample 1/8 to 1/16 inch in diameter546
Clay, gray349
Gravel, 30 percent of sample 1/4 inch in diameter251
Clay, yellow960
Gravel, 25 percent of sample 1/6 to 1/8 inch in diameter1070
Gravel, 30 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter1282
Clay, yellow284
Sand, coarse, or plaster sand993
Clay, sandy, yellow8101
Sand, fine4105
Clay, gray7112
Sand, fine2114
Clay, sandy, brown11125
Sand, coarse2127
Gravel, 20 percent of sample 1/16 inch in diameter7134
Gravel, 25 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter6140
Gravel, 20 percent of sample 1/16 to 1/8 inch in diameter7147
Pierre shale
11-34-24ca2. Sample log of observation well in the NE SW sec. 24, T. 11 S., R. 34 W., drilled August 17, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,110 feet; depth to water, 57.00 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty, quartzose, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, light brownish gray22
Sanborn Group
Silt, some clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale grayish orange; contains many gastropod fragments35
Silt, some clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange510
Silt, much fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, noncalcareous, grayish orange212
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, quartzose, loose, noncalcareous, grayish orange517
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, much medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, noncalcareous, grayish orange; contains pebbles as much as 3 centimeters in diameter421
Siltstone, much reddish clay and fine sand, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, grayish orange pink15.536.5
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel quartzose and feldspathic, loose, noncalcareous, grayish orange5.542
Siltstone, some reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink345
Siltstone, some clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown1156
Sandstone, coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink460
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink1070
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, much fine to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains pebbles as much as 3 centimeters in diameter and black coating upon much of the gravel1282
Shale, much silt and fine sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink688
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and reddish clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange290
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and some reddish clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange10100
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange3103
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt and some fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange2105
Siltstone, much fine sand and reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink3108
Siltstone, much clay and fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink2110
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange7117
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some,silt.ancl reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange3120
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much silt and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink10130
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains gravel with black coating and, fragments of yellow and light-gray shale5135
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, very light gray to dark yellowish gray5140
11-35-1aa. Sample log of test hole 50 feet west of the NE cor. sec. 1, T. 11 S., R. 35 W., drilled August 9-10, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,268.8 feet. Thickness,
Road fill, silty, some clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, brownish gray22
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown35
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains an abundant gastropod fauna1015
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropod fragments1227
Silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange330
Silt, slightly sandy, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange1040
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink545
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt and coarse , sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange550
Sandstone, fine grained, very much silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange252
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, white to very pale orange2.554.5
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink10.565
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, reddish orange267
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink875
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, some sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink580
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink585
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink590
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink591
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much fine to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains two very firmly cemented layers at 96 and 99.5 feet5100
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange7107
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink31.10
Siltstone, much clay and, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4114
Siltstone, much clay, and some fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray6120
Shale, some silt and fine sand, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray10130
Siltstone, much clay, slightly sandy, quartzose, moderate to firmly cemented, slightly calcareous, yellowish gray2132
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, pale grayish orange pink8140
Conglomerate, medium grained, much coarse sand and fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, pale grayish orange pink10150
Conglomerate, fine grained, much medium sand and medium gravel, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, pale grayish orange pink9.5159.5
Sandstone, fine to niedium grained, much silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange0.5160
Sandstone, fine to niedium grained, very silty and clayey, some gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains some fragments of gray clay shale10170
Sandstone, fine grained, very silty and clayey, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown5175
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, some gypsum, moderately cemented, calcareous, yellowish brown5180
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine sand and silt and some gravel, quartzose, some gypsum, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown5185
Pierre shale
Shale, containing gypsum, moderately to firmly cemented, slightly calcareous, medium light gray5190
Shale, some bentonite and gypsum, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, medium dark gray2192
11-35-5bb1. Drillers log of public-supply well of City of Winona in the NW NW sec. 5, T. 11 S., R. 35 W., drilled in 1949 by Devlin Construction Company. Surface altitude, 3,341.3 feet; depth to water, 171.01 feet. Thickness,
Soil, black33
Sanborn Group
Clay and silt2528
Ogallala formation
Clay and fine sand1644
Clay, sand, and silt650
Sand and gravel1060
Sand and clay2080
Sand, clay, and gravel1393
Clay and fine sand7100
Sand, cemented10110
Sand and gravel10120
Sand, fine; contains clay and silt30150
Sand and clay44194
Sand, cemented6200
Gravel, coarse17217
Pierre shale
11-35-7cc. Sample log of test hole 100 feet north of SW cor. sec. 7, T. 11 S., R. 35 W., drilled August 14, 1954. Surface altitude, ?,294.3 feet. Thickness,
Road fill, silty33
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown25
Silt, slightly sandy. quartzose, weakly cemented, very pale yellowish brown; contains a few gastropod fragments510
Silt, slightly sandy and clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown1020
Silt, much clay, and some sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange1030
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some fine gravel and coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange434
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink640
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange545
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink550
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and some clay and fine gravel, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink757
Limestone or caliche, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, white0.557.5
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink2.560
Sandstone, fine grained, some clay and silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange3.563.5
Siltstone, much clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown2.566
Pierre shale
Shale, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, very pale olive to yellowish gray470
Shale, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray676
Shale, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish brown177
Shale, bentonitic, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray380
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray; contains some very dark gray shale1090
11-35-24dd. Sample log of test hole 0.9 mile south of U. S. Highway 40 in the SE cor. sec. 24, T. 11 S., R. 35 W., drilled August 10, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,193.0 feet., depth to water, 56.15 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty, slightly calcareous, yellowish brown1.51.5
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose., weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish brown3.55
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropods510
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains an abundant gastropod fauna515
Silt, some clay, quartzose and slightly ferruginous, weakly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange520
Ogallala formation
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink828
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink432
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish to reddish orange33.5
Sandstone, medium grained, much fine and coarse sand and fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink1146
Shale, some silt, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, pale yellowish brown248
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic loose, noncalcareous, grayish orange pink654
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, reddish orange458
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink1068
Sandstone, medium grained, much fine and some coarse sand, quartzose, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange674
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink478
Siltstone, much clay, and some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink583
Limestone or caliche, somewhat clayey, very firmly cemented, white to very pale orange588
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange290
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, quartzose, moderately cemented', calcareous, grayish orange pink393
Shale, some silt and sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale orange; contains firmly cemented silty and sandy layers497
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, light gray to dark yellowish orange10.5107.5
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, medium dark gray0.5108
11-36-12aa. Sample log of test well 20 feet southwest of the NE cor. sec. 12, T. 11 S., R. 36 W., drilled August 14, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,314.8 feet; depth to water, 110.4 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty, some clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, noncalcareous, dark yellowish brown11
Sanborn Group
Silt, some clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains many gastropods1415
Silt, some medium to coarse sand, slightly clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange1.516.5
Silt, some fine to coarse sand, slightly clayey, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale orange3.520
Ogallala formation
Siltstone, much fine sand and clay and some medium to coarse sand, moderately cemented, quartzose, very calcareous, pale grayish orange525
Sandstone, coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink328
Siltstone, much reddish clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale red634
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, white640
Siltstone, much fine to medium sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, white646
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much silt and clay and fine to medium gravel, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink450
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine to coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink; contains layers of very coarse gravel conglomerate1969
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some gravel, quartzose, very firmly cemented, sihceous, white to pale grayish orange pink271
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink1.572.5
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale grayish orange3.576
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, fine to coarse sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, calcareous, white to very pale orange1.577.5
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, some sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink2.580
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand and fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink1090
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium to coarse sand, quartzose, loose, calcareous, grayish orange696
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium to coarse sand and gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange20116
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; a dark coating is prevalent on the coarser sand and gravel grains4120
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains some shale and ferruginous concretionary material3.5123.5
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray3.5127
Shale, somewhat micaceous or gypsiferous, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray3130
11-36-25aa. Sample log of test hole 30 feet south of the NE cor. sec. 25, T. 11 S., R. 36 W., drilled August 14, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,276.7 feet; depth to water, 40.00 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Silt, some fine to coarse sand, qtiartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains an abundant gastropod fauna910
Silt, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown717
Silt, fine grained, some clay, slightly sandy, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange1330
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much clay and coarse sand and fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange232
Siltstone, much clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange537
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains, grains of quartz, feldspar, and granite partly covered with a black (manganese?) coating340
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt and some coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, pale reddish orange1050
Shale, much silt, and some fine sand, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale red; contains much white calcareous material555
Shale, much silt and fine sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains much white calcareous material560
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, yellowish gray to light gray, noncalcareous2080
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown686
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, medium gray490
11-36-36da. Sample log of test hole on the SW cor. of intersection of U. S. Highway 40 and east edge of the SE sec. 36, T. 11 S., R. 36 W., drilled Aug. 13, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,333.1 feet; depth to water, 145.6 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Silt, some fine to medium sand, slightly clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown910
Silt, slightly sandy and clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains gastropod fragments1020
Silt, some sand and gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange727
Silt, much clay, and some fine to coarse sand and gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange14.541.5
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much silt and fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange243.5
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange548.5
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange1.550
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink1060
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink157
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much pale-red clay, and some silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, slightly calcareous, reddish orange378
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink1290
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink10100
Conglomerate, fine grained, some coarse sand and medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink2102
Siltstone, much clay, and some fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown4106
Siltstone, much clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, slightly calcareous, pale yellowish brown to grayish orange3109
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains some large pebbles and cobbles5114
Siltstone, much clay, slightly andy, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange; contains a firmly cemented layer at 116.5 feet6120
Siltstone, much clay, and some fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown14134
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, and some medium to coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink6140
Conglomerate, fine grained, some medium to coarse sand, and some medium to coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink5145
Shale, much silt, and some sand, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, pale red5150
Siltstone, much clav, slightly sandy, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange3153
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, and much clay and silt, quartzose, very calcareous, yellowish gray; contains white calcareous material5158
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray18176
Shale, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, medium light gray4180
12-31-6bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 31 W., Gove County, 90 feet south of road intersection and 85 feet east of centerline of road, drilled September 1952. Surface altitude, 3,014.3 feet; depth to water, 89.85 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Clay, silty, dark brown11
Clay, gray; contains some gravel23
Silt, tan gray to tan brown1417
Clay, silty to very limy, tan to tan white1330
Ogallala formation
Clay, limy, tan to white; contains sand and gravel1747
Sand and gravel, clayey, cemented in part1158
Clay, compact to sandy in lower part, light gray to red brown2280
Sand and gravel, silty, loosely cemented1090
Sand, fine, silty to limy, cemented898
Sand, fine to medium, clayey to cemented, dark gray8106
Clay, sandy, light gray; contains weathered shale fragments11117
Pierre shale
Shale, bentonitic, yellow and yellow brown3120
12-32-11cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW cor. sec. 11, T. 12 S., R. 32 W., drilled July 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 2,998.3 feet. Thickness,
Soil, black0.50.5
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains abundant gastropod fauna11.512
Siltstone, clayey, some coarse sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange517
Siltstone, clayey and sandy, some gravel219
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, silty, fine to coarse grained, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange625
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, unconsolidated, calcareous, grayish orange530
Conglomerate, fine to medium arained, much sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange737
Shale, silty, calcareous, yellowish gray340
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much silt and clay, quartzose and feldspathic, firmly cemented, moderate orange gray646
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much clay and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, firmly cemented, calcareous, orange pink450
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, considerable clay, quartzose and feldspathic, calcareous, grayish orange555
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange459
Conglomerate, sandy, fine to medium grained, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, orayish orange160
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, noncalcareous, grayish pink464
Pierre shale
Shale, nonealeareous, light gray and yellow468
Shale, bentonitic, noncalcareous, medium gray270
12-32-26bc--Sample log of test hole in the SW NW sec. 26, T. 12 S., R. 32 W., drilled July 30, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,023.6 feet; depth to water, 70.2 feet. Thickness,
Soil, medium gray0.50.5
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray6.57
Siltstone, considerable fine to coarse sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish pink310
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to, coarse grained, much silt, and some fine gravel, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink515
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink520
Sandstone, medium to. coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains hard cemented layers of white calcareous material1030
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink434
Sandstone, fine grained, very silty, quartzose, firmly, cemented, very calcareous, moderate orange pink640
Sandstone, fine grained, very silty, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, moderate orange pink444
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, moderate orange pink650
Siltstone, some fine to medium sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, moderate orange pink656
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, extremely hard and well cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange157
Siltstone, clayey, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange360
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains white to vitreous cherty material666
Sandstone, fine grained, some medium and coarse sand and silt, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink672
Conglomerate, sandy, fine to medium grained much coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange880
Conglomerate, fine grained, medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange282
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, very firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange284
Pierre shale
Shale, bentonitic, compact, very calcareous, yellowish orange and light gray488
Shale, bentonitic, compact, noncalcareous, medium gray290
12-34-1bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. sec. 1, T. 12 S., R. 34 W., drilled August 4-5, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,204.1 feet. Thickness,
Road fill2.52.5
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown2.55
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains gastropods510
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange; gastropods very abundant1020
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange626
Ogallala formation
Siltstone, clayey, some sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink228
Siltstone, clayey, some fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink331
Limestone or caliche, clayey, firmly cemented, pale grayish orange pink536
Limestone or caliche, clayey, firmly cemented, pale grayish orange pink; interbedded with thin, moderately cemented silty sandstone layers743
Sandstone, fine grained, very much silt, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange245
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange146
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, caleareous, grayish orange pink450
Conglomerate, medium to coarse crrained, some coarse sand and fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink1060
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand and coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink9.569.5
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange2.572
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, moderate orange pink476
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange278
Siltstone, much clay and fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange684
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink892
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and clay, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink193
Sandstone, fine grained, much medium sand, and some silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange7100
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange5105
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange5110
Siltstone, much clay and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale orange2112
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink2114
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink6120
Siltstone, much fine sand, and some clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale orange12132
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine, gravel and fine sand and silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink5137
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink8145
Siltstone, clayey, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink4149
Siltstone, very much clay, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange1150
Siltstone, some clay and fine sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange6156
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange5161
Sandstone, coarse grained, some silt, fine to medium sand, and fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink4165
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, and some medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange9174
Sandstone, medium grained,, much silt, clay, and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange1175
Siltstone, some fine to medium sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous pale grayish orange; interbedded with thin, moderately cemented conglomerate layers8183
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some silt and fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange3186
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, light gray to pale yellowish orange4190
12-34-11dd. Sample log of test hole in the SE cor. sec. 11, T. 12 S., R. 34 W., drilled August 4, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,192.0 feet. Thickness,
Soil, medium gray11
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, pale yellowish brown12
Silt, very little clay, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown24
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains gastropod fauna1620
Silt, much clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains gastropod fragments525
Silt, some clay and fine to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown227
Silt, clayey, some fine to coarse sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange330
Ogallala formation
Siltstone, some clay and fine to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange1040
Siltstone, some fine to medium sand, and much clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4.544.5
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink5.550
Sandstone, medium grained, much fine gravel and fine sand, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink454
Conglomerate, fine grained, some fine to coarse sand and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink357
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some fine to coarse sand and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink360
Conglomerate, fine to coarse grained, some fine to coarse sand and cobbles, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink565
Shale, some silt and fine sand, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink570
Siltstone, much fine sand, and some medium to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange575
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt, medium to coarse sand, and gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange176
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium to coarse sand and coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink480
Conglomerate, fine grained, some fine to coarse sand and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink4.584.5
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous and siliceous, white to very pale orange185.5
Conglomerate, fine grained, some fine to coarse sand and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; a very hard layer or boulder about 6 inches thick at 89 feet4.089.5
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange5.595
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange5100
Siltstone, much clay, and some fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange5105
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt, quartzose, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink1106
Siltstone, much clay, and some fine to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange4110
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange6116
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt, and some coarse sand and fine to medium gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink7123
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, and some clay and medium sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange7130
Sandstone, fine grained, much medium to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange3.5133.5
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel and yellow shale fragments, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange4.5138
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, light gray to dark yellowish orange16154
Shale, bentonitic, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, dark gray2156
12-34-26da. Sample log of test hole 50 feet south of the NE cor. SE sec. 26, T. 12 S., R. 34 W., drilled August 3, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,158.2 feet. Thickness,
Soil, medium gray11
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown45
Silt, some fine and medium sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropods49
Silt, some clay and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown110
Ogallala formation
Shale, some silt and fine to coarse sand, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale brown515
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium to coarse sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink520
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand and silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink525
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt and coarse sand, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink to very pale orange14.539.5
Sandstone, coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink6.546
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, many shale fragments, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange349
Shale, moderately compact, noncalcareous, grayish yellow655
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, grayish yellow762
Pierre shale
Shale, somewhat bentonitic, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, medium gray365
Shale, bentonitic, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, medium gray; contains unabraded crystals of gypsum570
12-35-1ad. Sample log of test hole 6 feet north of the SE cor. NE sec. 1, T. 12 S., R. 35 W., drilled August 10-11, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,255.3 feet; depth to waater, 143.5 feet. Thickness,
Soil and road fill, silty, some clay and humic material, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish, brown44
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown610
Silt, much clay, quartzose, weakly cemented,, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropods717
Silt, much clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains an abundant gastropod fauna825
Siltstone, slightly sandy and clayey, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange brown328
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink937
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, silty, fine grained, much medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink340
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink1050
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4.554.5
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4.559
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, reddish orange160
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much reddish clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, reddish orange1070
Sandstone, medium to coarse, some fine gravel, quartzose, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink272
Sandstone, silty, fine grained, much medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains white calcareous layers577
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink380
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink1696
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some fine to coarse sand and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink1.597.5
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink16.5114
Shale, silty, moderately cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink2116
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink20136
Siltstone, clayey, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown4140
Siltstone, clayey, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange5145
Sandstone, fine grained, much clay and silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, reddish orange5150
Siltstone, coarse, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink3153
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink7160
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange24184
Sandstone, coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, orayish orange pink; contains fragments of greenish and yellowish shale6190
Sandstone, coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains abundant shale fragments4194
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately cemented, noncalcareous, light gray and yellowish orange6200
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, light gray and yellowish orange; contains dark medium-gray noncalcareous clay shale10210
12-35-25dd. Sample log of test hole 0.1 mile north of the SE cor. sec. 25, T. 12 S., R. 35 W., drilled August 11, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,166.9 feet; depth to water, 69.15 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Silt, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose; weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropod fragments45
Silt, some medium to coarse sand and fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown27
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine gravel, and some silt, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange310
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink717
Shale, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown320
Shale, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains white calcareous flecks222
Limestone or caliche, clayey, moderately cemented, white325
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink227
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, grayish orange pink330
Shale, some silt, moderately to firmly cemented, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink to pale yellowish brown535
Shale, some silt and fine sand, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown1550
Shale, silty, somewhat micaceous, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown6156
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium and coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange662
Shale, slightly calcareous, pale red668
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange270
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some silt and coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange676
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and fine sand, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange581
Pierre shale
Shale, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, light gray and yellowish orange990
Shale, bentonitic, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, light gray and yellowish orange494
Shale, bentonitic, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, medium dark gray6100
12-36-12dd. Sample log of test hole 0.2 mile north of the SE cor. sec. 12, T. 12 S., R. 36 W., drilled August 12-13, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,272.3 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropods56
Silt, sliglitly clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains an abundant gastropod fauna410
Silt, slightly clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown515
Silt, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very pale yellowish brown520
Ogallala formation
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much clay and silt, and some fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange to grayish orange pink626
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains firmly cemented layers430
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink535
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, much coarse sand, and some coarse gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink540
Sandstone, coarse grained, some fine and medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink343
Shale, much silt, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale grayish orange1659
Siltstone, much clay and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown867
Siltstone, much clay and fine sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown16.583.5
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange7.591
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, and some medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange16.5107.5
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand and fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange2.5110
Sandstone, coarse grained, much fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange3.5113.5
Sandstone, fine grained, much clay and silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange6.5120
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much silt, and some clay and fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange5125
Sandstone, fine grained, much clay and silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown3128
Pierre shale
Shale, bentonitic, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, grayish to yellowish orange12140
12-36-25aa. Sample log of test hole 100 feet south of the NE cor. sec. 25, T. 12 S., R. 36 W., drilled August 12, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,167.4 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown45
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains gastropods510
Silt, some clay, slightly sandy, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish orange313
Siltstone, fine grained, some clay, slightly sandy, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown to grayish orange417
Siltstone, fine grained, much clay, slightly sandy, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange320
Siltstone, much clay and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange222
Pierre shale
Shale, considerable gypsum, moderately to firmly cemented, noncalcareous, grayish orange628
Shale, very much crystalline gypsum, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray1240
Shale, bentonitic, much crystalline gypsum, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray646
Shale, much crystalline gypsum, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray to grayish orange450
Shale, bentonitic, much crystalline gypsum, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray2676
Shale, bentonitic, much crystalline gypsum, firmly cemented, noncalcareous, light olive gray to medium dark gray480
12-37-19aa. Drillers log of test hole of Garvin E. Gfeller in the NE NE sec. 19, T. 12 S., R. 37 W. Thickness,
Sanborn Group
Soil and clay3333
Meade (?) Group
Pierre shale
12-37-21aa. Drillers log of test hole of Garvin E. Gfeller in the NE NE sec. 21, T. 12 S., R. 37 W. Thickness,
Sanborn Group and Meade Group
Clay, sandy4545
Clay, yellow2065
Pierre shale
Shale, blue50115
12-37-21dd. Drillers log of test hole of Garvin E. Gfeller in the SE SE sec. 21, T. 12 S., R. 37 W. Thickness,
Sanborn Group and Meade (?) Group
No sample2626
Clay, sandy2248
Pierre shale
13-32-2cc. Sample log of test hole 300 feet north of the SW cor. sec. 2, T. 13 S., R. 32 W., drilled July 31, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,024.1 feet. Thickness,
Soil, gray0.50.5
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains gastropod fragments4.55
Silt, slightly sandy, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains many gastropods49
Ogallala formation
Siltstone, clayey, some sand, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink110
Siltstone, clayey and somewhat sandy, some fine gravel, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink717
Siltstone, clayey, some sand and gravel, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, white118
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine to medium gravel and considerable silt, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains alternating layers of silt and sandstone220
Siltstone, well-sorted coarse silt and fine sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange424
Conglomerate, fine grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink125
Siltstone, much fine sand,, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, white429
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange130
Sandstone, fine grained, much silt, quartzose, firmly cemented, calcareous, moderate reddish orange5.535.5
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink8.544
Sandstone, fine grained and very silty, some coarse sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, moderate orange pink650
Siltstone, clayey, slightly sandy, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale orange353
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange255
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and fine to medium gravel, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange4.559.5
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange; large shale boulder at 59.5 feet4.564
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some clayshale fragments and sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish orange771
Pierre shale
Shale, compact, slightly calcareous, grayish yellowish green7.578.5
Shale, compact, slightly calcareous, grayish yellowish green and yellowish orange0.579
Shale, compact, slightly calcareous, light medium gray180
Shale, compact, noncalcareous, medium gray; contains ferruginous material and gypsum crystals282
Shale, bentonitic compact, noncalcareous, medium gray; contains abundant gypsum crystals890
13-32-27aa3. Sample log of test hole in the NE cor. sec. 27, T. 13 S., R. 32 W., drilled August 2, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,002.4 feet. Thickness,
Soil, light medium gray0.70.7
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains an abundant gastropod fauna9.310
Silt, some fine to medium sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray414
Silt, considerable fine to medium sand, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange216
Silt, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange; contains gastropod fragments and some gypsum218
Silt and fine to coarsc sand, quartzose, some crystals of gypsum, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange220
Silt, some fine to coarse sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange626
Ogallala formation
Shale, some silt and fine to coarse sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink228
Shale, some silt and fine to coarse sand, compact, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink331
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink233
Siltstone, much fine sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, light gray to white134
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink3.537.5
Shale, compact, slightly calcareous, pale olive to grayish orange pink1.539
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, some feldspar, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, pale grayish orange140
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, pale grayish orange3.543.5
Sandstone, clayey, fine grained, shale and bentonite fragments, weakly cemented, slightly calcareous, grayish orange649.5
Pierre shale
Shale, bentonitic, compact, slightly calcareous, pale yellowish orange and light gray0.550
Shale, bentonitic, compact, noncalcareous, medium gray1060
13-33-6bb. Drillers log of livestock well owned by S. Dirks in the NW NW sec. 6, T. 18 S., R. 33 W., drilled in 1955 by John Heim. Surface altitude, 3,055 feet; depth to water, 695 feet. Thickness,
Meade Group or Sanborn Group
Silt and clay, yellow3840
Pierre shale
Shale, dark gray, tough drilling125165
Niobrara formation
Chalk, light gray35200
Chalk, medium gray580780
Limestone, white55835
Carlile shale
Shale, sandy, dark gray15850
Shale, dark gray1951,045
Sandstone, clayey51,050
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone, gray251,075
Shale, dark gray551,130
Graneros shale
Shale, sandy, dark gray451,175
Dakota formation
Sandstone, silty and clayey, dark gray201,195
Sandstone, white251,220
Shale, compact, dark gray101,230
13-36-12aa. Sample log of test hole 40 feet west of the NE cor. sec. 12, T. 13 S., R. 36 W., drilled August 12, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,077.7 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silty, somewhat clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown44
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropods and white calcareous material1115
Silt, slightly sandy, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains a few gastropods520
Silt, some medium to coarse sand and clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, very pale yellowish brown; contains some gastropods626
Silt, much fine to coarse sand and clay, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish, orange329
Silt, much fine to coarse sand and clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink; contains much white calcareous material332
Sanborn Group or Meade Group
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink840
Siltstone, coarse grained, much fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately to weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange1252
Conglomerate, fine grained, some fine to coarse sand and medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink860
Conglomerate, fine grained, some fine to coarse sand and medium gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains some large cobbles or boulders1070
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some sand, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, slightly calcareous, grayish orange pink777
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some sand, quartzose and feldspathic, very firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange279
Conglomerate, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel, quartzose and feldspathic, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink9.588.5
Niobrara formation
Chalk, moderately cemented, pale yellowish orange2.591
Chalk, moderately to firmly cemented, medium light gray192
14-32-23bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. sec. 23, T. 14 S., R. 32 W., drilled August 2, 1954. Surface altitude, 2,820.3 feet. Thickness,
Soil, medium gray11
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains gastropods67
Silt, considerable clay, and some fine sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown512
Meade (?) Group
Shale, some silt and fine to coarse sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange517
Shale, much silt, and some fine to coarse sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale orange320
Shale very silty, very little sand, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale orange525
Siltstone, some fine to coarse sand, and considerable clay, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish orange; contains some gypsum833
Shale, some fine to coarse sand and silt, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange336
Shale, some silt and medium to coarse sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange440
Niobrara formation
Chalk, clayey, moderately compact, pale yellowish orange343
Chalk, clayey, moderately to firmly cemented, pale yellowish orange and reddish orange layers750
Chalk, some clay and gypsum crystals, moderately to firmly cemented, pale yellowish orange; contains gray clayey chalk1060
Chalk, clayey, moderately to firmly cemented, pale grayish orange565
Chalk, clayey, firmly cemented, light to medium light gray4.569.5
14-35-24bb. Sample log of test hole 325 feet south of the NW cor. sec. 24, T. 14 S., R. 35 W., drilled August 3, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,202 feet. Thickness,
Road fill22
Sanborn Group
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains an abundant gastropod fauna810
Silt, much fine to medium sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, grayish orange pink515
Silt, some fine sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink; contains gastropod fragments116
Ogallala formation
Siltstone, some fine sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, very calcareous and siliceous, white to olrayish orange pink; extremely hard layer at 19.5 feet cemented by clear vitreous siliceous material420
Siltstone, much fine to coarse sand, quartzose, very firmly cemented, calcareous and siliceous, white to grayish orange pink525
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium to coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, grayish orange pink to gray530
Shale, clayey, moderate'Ly cemented, noncalcareous, yellowish gray737
Shale, clayey, moderately cemented, slightly calcareous, yellowish gray138
15-32-34cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW cor. sec. 34, T. 15 S., R 32 W., drilled August 2, 1954. Surface altitude, 3,007.7 feet. Thickness,
Soil, medium gray11
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, dark yellow gray23
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains gastropods25
Silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains a very abundant gastropod fauna510
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains many gastropods616
Silt, considerable clay, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, yellowish gray; contains gastropod fragments218
Silt, clayey, some fine to coarse sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange; contains much white calcareous material220
Ogallala formation
Shale, somewhat silty, and some fine to coarse sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange; contains fragments of white calcareous siltstone727
Shale, much silt and fine sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange229
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some silt and clay, quartzose, loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink130
Siltstone, much clay, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange5.535.5
Siltstone, some clay and fine to coarse sand, firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4.540
Siltstone, some fine to coarse sand and clay, quartzose, firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange545
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink348
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink; contains white calcareous fragments20
Siltstone, sandy, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange454
Sandstone, fine grained, considerable silt, and some medium sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange660
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much silt and fine sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, very pale orange565
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, much silt and fine gravel, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink570
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, some fine gravel and silt, quartzose and somewhat feldspathic, loose, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink373
Shale, much fine sand and silt, firmly cemented, very calcareous, white to very pale orange174
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some coarse sand, quartzose and feldspathic, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink175
Siltstone, clayey, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange; contains siliceous fragments580
Siltstone, some fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, calcareous, pale reddish orange282
Siltstone, some fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange890
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange10100
Sandstone, fine grained, very much silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, moderate orange pink5105
Sandstone, fine grained, some silt and medium sand, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange8113
Sandstone, coarse grained, some silt and fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale grayish orange pink3116
Siltstone, some fine to medium sand, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4120
Siltstone, some fine sand and clay, quartzose, moderately cemented, very calcareous, very pale orange4124
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, some fine gravel and silt, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange pink11135
Conglomerate, fine to medium grained, some medium to coarse sand and silt, quartzose and feldspathic, weakly cemented to loose, calcareous, grayish orange pink; a very hard cemented zone at 138.5 feet5140
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, much reddish clay, and some fine gravel and silt, quartzose, moderately to firmly cemented, calcareous, pale grayish orange6146
Shale, much silt, and some fine sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale yellowish orange4150
Shale, chalky, much clay, and some sand, moderately cemented, very calcareous, pale yellowish brown3153
Niobrara formation
Chalk, clayey, moderately to firmly cemented, medium light gray2155
15-34-13cd. Sample log of test hole in the SE SW sec. 13, T. 15 S., R. 34 W., drilled August 3, 1954. Thickness,
Road fill33
Sanborn Group
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains some chalk fragments and many gastropods36
Silt, clayey, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains abundant yellow chalky fragments17
Silt, much clay, and some medium sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, calcareous, pale yellowish brown; contains fragments of yellow chalk as much as 10 mm in diameter310
Silt, considerable clay and yellow chalky fragments, and some sand, quartzose, weakly cemented, very pale yellowish orange515
Niobrara formation
Chalk, clayey, firmly cemented, white to yellowish orange520
15-36-19bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 19, T. 15 S., R. 36 W. (Bradley and Johnson, 1957), drilled by State Geological Survey, 1951. Surface altitude, 3,372.0 feet. Thickness,
Soil, silt and clay, black22
Sanborn Group
Silt, tan gray; contains some tan clay1012
Silt, tan gray and brown; contains some tan clay719
Ogallala formation
Clay, limy to silty, tan to light tan10.529.5
Sand, fine to coarse, silty to sandy, embedded clay, tan5.535
Sand, fine to coarse, and some limy to sandy clay1449
Opaline quartzite5.554.5
Sand, fine to coarse, and some clay6.561
Sand, fine to coarse, and tan-yellow clayey silt566
Niobrara formation
Clay, silty, yellow to yellow orange5.571.5
Shale, clayey, gray273.5

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Dec. 14, 2007; originally published May, 1958.
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