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Marshall County Geohydrology

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Measured Stratigraphic Sections

Nine stratigraphic sections were measured in December 1951 by field parties under the supervision of Frank E. Byrne of the United States Geological Survey. The field parties were composed of the individuals mentioned in the headings of the sections.

Section measured in stream bank in the SE1/4 NE1/4 SE1/4 sec. 1, T. 2 S., R. 6 E., West Side of the road, 1.35 miles north and 1.3 miles east of Herkimer, Kansas. Measured by M. E. Davis and G. E. Randolph. Thickness,
Doyle shale (22.0 feet exposed)
Towanda limestone member (3.1 feet exposed)
10. Limestone, soft, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers slabby to platy, tan, pitted; contains calcareous geodes1.8
9. Limestone, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers platy, tan, pitted; contains calcareous geodes1.3
Holmesville shale member (18.9 feet)
8. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, light gray-brown; weathers blocky, light gray-green; contains limonitic seams2.2
7. Shale, silty, calcareous, limonitic, hard, thick-bedded, light-gray; weathers blocky, tan-gray0.4
6. Shale, silty to clayey, calcareous, limonitic, thick-bedded, gray-green; weathers blocky, light-green0.9
5. Shale, silty, slightly calcareous, thin-bedded, red-brown; weathers tan-gray1.1
4. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, light gray-green; weathers blocky1.2
3. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, maroon; weathers blocky, gray-maroon4.5
2. Limestone, limonitic, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers blocky, light-gray; forms minor bench1.3
1. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, mottled maroon, green, and tan; weathers blocky, light-gray; contains thin lentils of limestone7.3
Barneston limestone--Fort Riley limestone member
Section measured in stream cut in the SW1/4 sec. 10, T. 2 S., R. 6 E., 2 miles east and 0.75 mile south of Bremen on east side of bridge. Measured by M. E. Davis and G. E. Randolph. Thickness,
Winfield limestone (19.8 feet exposed)
Cresswell limestone member (2.6 feet exposed)
14. Limestone, soft, massive, tan-gray; weathers tan to red-brown, pitted; contains small quartz geodes; forms hillside bench2.6
Grant shale member (18.0 feet)
13. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, tan; weathers blocky, tan-gray; contains carbon stains and quartz geodes4.9
12. Shale, siltstone, calcareous, massive, hard, gray to red-brown; weathers blocky, tan; contains quartz geodes5.1
11. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, gray-brown; weathers blocky, tan-gray6.0
Stovall limestone member (1.2 feet)
10. Limestone, cherty, hard, massive, tan-gray to gray; weathers red-brown; echinoid spines, Myalina sp., Aviculopinna peracuta, Dictyoclostus americanus; forms hillside bench1.2
Doyle shale--Gage shale member (11.9 feet exposed)
9. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, tan-gray to gray; weathers blocky, light-gray to gray; contains quartz geodes2.2
8. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, gray to tan; Pseudomonotis sp., Chonetes sp., Aviculopecten sp., Derbyia crassa, Dictyoclostus sp.1.0
7. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, dark-gray; weathers slabby, gray, pitted; contains quartz geodes1.9
6. Shale, calcareous, carbonaceous, soft, thin-bedded, dark-gray to black; weathers dark-gray; microfossils0.6
5. Shale, silty, calcareous, soft to moderately hard, thick-bedded, gray; weathers blocky; contains quartz geodes2.0
4. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, gray-orange; weathers blocky, red-brown1.1
3. Shale, clayey and silty, calcareous, blocky, olive drab; weathers gray-green1.2
2. Limestone, hard, thin-bedded, gray; weathers blocky, gray to red-brown; forms minor bench0.2
1. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, maroon; weathers blocky1.7
Base covered
Section measured in road cut and stream bank in the SW1/4 NW1/4 NW1/4 sec. 22, T. 2 S., R. 7 E., in creek valley 0.1 mile south and 0.1 mile east of bridge north of Marysville. Measured by M. E. Davis and G. E. Randolph. Thickness,
Doyle shale--Holmesville shale member
Barneston limestone (40.4 feet exposed)
Fort Riley limestone member (23.0 feet)
16. Limestone, massive, red-brown; weathers blocky, gray-orange1.8
15. Limestone, soft, thick-bedded, tan; weathers slabby, tan-gray, pitted to cavernous1.8
14. Limestone, massive, tan; weathers blocky, tan-gray; forms minor bench0.6
13. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, light gray; weathers tan; occasional plant fossils5.4
12. Limestone, massive, tan; weathers thin-bedded, gray-orange; abundant microfossils; forms minor bench0.7
11. Shale, badly slumped2.9
10. Limestone, hard, massive, light gray; weathers gray-brown; contains quartz geodes; forms minor bench0.4
9. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, platy, light-gray; weathers tan, develops fretted appearance; contains quartz geodes3.2
8. Limestone, silty, hard, massive, tan-gray; weathers thick-bedded, gray-brown; contains quartz geodes; Derbyia sp.; forms hillside bench6.2
Oketo shale member (7.0 feet)
7. Covered interval3.6
6. Shale, silty, limonitic, soft, thin-bedded, gray to blue-gray; echinoid spines, crinoid columnals, Dictyoclostus americanus, Ambocoelia planoconvexa1.8
5. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, dark-gray; crinoid columnals1.6
Florence limestone member (10.4 feet exposed)
4. Limestone, noncherty, massive, light gray; weathers slabby, gray-brown; echinoid spines, crinoid columnals2.9
3. Limestone, cherty; massive, dark-gray; weathers blocky, light-gray; Dictyoclostus americanus, a few crinoid columnals6.0
2. Shale, silty, calcareous, carbonaceous, thin-bedded, dark-gray; weathers slabby, light-gray; crinoid columnals0.6
1. Limestone, cherty, slabby, gray; weathers light-gray0.9
Base covered
Section measured in road cut and quarry face in the NW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 sec. 28, T. 2 S., R. 7 E., 8th and Jenkins Streets, Marysville, Kansas. Measured by M. E. Davis and G. E. Randolph. Thickness,
Barneston limestone (46.7 feet exposed)
Fort Riley limestone member (15.3 feet exposed)
19. Limestone, soft, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers platy, light-gray3.0
18. Limestone, soft to moderately hard; thick-bedded, gray-orange; weathers red-brown and gray-brown; contains cherty zones; Edmondia sp., Pleurophorus sp., Nucula sp., Bellerophon sp., Myalina sp., and microfossils2.8
17. Limestone, thin-bedded, tan-gray; weathers platy, gray, pitted to cavernous; contains quartz geodes1.9
16. Limestone, soft, thick-bedded, tan; weathers tan-gray; Aviculopecten, Edmondia sp., Allorisma terminale; forms minor bench1.0
15. Limestone, hard, massive, tan; weathers tan-gray, fretted appearance; contains siliceous bands and quartz geodes4.7
14. Limestone, hard, massive, tan; weathers tan-gray1.9
Oketo shale member (8.9 feet)
13. Shale, silty, calcareous, moderately hard to hard, platy; tan; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray; Polypora sp., Rhombopora sp., few Stenopora sp., few Meekella striatocostata, Chonetes granulifer, Dictyoclostus americanus, Derbyia multistriata, D. crassa, D. cymbula, Composita ovata, C. subtilita, crinoid columnals, echinoid spines and plates3.9
Florence limestone member (27.5 feet)
12. Limestone, massive, tan-gray; contains quartz geodes and bands of chert in middle part; weathers tan; Derbyia crassa and fragments of other brachiopods, echinoid spines, crinoid columnals2.2
11. Shale, silty, calcareous, blocky, olive-drab to gray-brown; weathers slabby, tan to gray; Derbyia sp., Ambocoelia sp., Pleurophorus sp., Myalina sp., Allorisma terminale, crinoid columnals, echinoid spines2.4
10. Limestone, very cherty, hard, massive, tan; weathers blocky, tan-gray; Meekella striatocostata, Chonetes sp., Rhombopora sp., Fenestella sp., Polypora sp., Derbyia sp., Dictyoclostus sp., echinoid spines, crinoid columnals1.3
9. Limestone, noncherty, soft, slabby, tan-gray; weathers platy, tan; Meekella striatocostata, Chonetes sp., Rhombopora sp., Fenestella sp., Polypora sp., Derbyia sp., Dictyoclostus sp., echinoid spines, crinoid columnals, Edmondia sp.1.3
8. Limestone, cherty, soft, massive, tan with gray streaks; weathers tan-gray; Dictyoclostus sp., Derbyia sp., Ambocoelia sp., crinoid columnals, echinoid spines and plates3.6
7. Limestone, noncherty, soft, massive, light-gray; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray; Rhombopora sp., Polypora sp., Derbyia sp., Dictyoclostus sp., crinoid columnals1.7
6. Limestone, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers tan; contains persistent chert band at top; Rhombopora sp., Polypora sp., Derbyia sp., Dictyoclostus sp., crinoid columnals2.7
5. Limestone, massive, cream; weathers tan-gray; contains irregular chert bands; fossils same as for lower zones but not as numerous5.8
4. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thin-bedded, tan; weathers dark-gray0.1
3. Limestone, hard, massive, tan; weathers gray-brown; contains several bands of chert; fossils same as those given for under-lying zone but not as numerous3.7
2. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, tan; weathers thin-bedded, gray; Ambocoelia sp., Rhombopora sp., Polypora sp., Dictyoclostus americanus, Chonetes granulifer, Meekella striatocostata, crinoid columnals0.8
1. Limestone, massive, cream; weathers tan-gray; contains chart band near middle; Meekella striatocostata, Derbyia sp., Rhombopora sp., few Dictyoclostus americanus, echinoid spines, crinoid columnals1.9
Matfield shale--Blue Springs member
Section measured in operating quarry in the SW1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 sec. 20, T. 2 S., R. 9 E., 0.5 mile west of Beattie city limits and 0.25 mile south of railroad crossing. Measured by M. E. Davis and C. E. Randolph. Thickness,
Bader limestone--Eiss limestone member
Stearns shale (17.2 feet)
17. Shale, silty, calcareous, soft, thick-bedded, gray-green; weathers blocky, light-green2.4
16. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, maroon; weathers blocky2.9
15. Shale, silty, calcareous, soft, thick-bedded, gray-green; weathers blocky, green0.3
14. Shale, silty, clayey, noncalcareous, thick-bedded, maroon; weathers blocky, red0.6
13. Shale, clayey, calcareous, thick-bedded, dark-green; weathers slabby, gray-green1.8
12. Shale, silty, clayey, very calcareous, thick-bedded, gray-green; weathers blocky, light-gray to gray-green; contains concretions of calcite and nodules of limestone1.6
11. Limestone, soft, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers slabby, tan; contains calcite veins and geodes; Myalina sp., Pleurophorus sp., Allorisma terminale, Aviculopecten sumnerensis, Pseudomonotis sp.; forms minor bench4.1
10. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, thick-bedded, light-gray; weathers blocky, tan-gray; Allorisma terminale, Myalina sp., Pleurophorus sp., Nucula sp., Aviculopecten sp.2.8
9. Shale, silty, calcareous; thin-bedded, dark-brown to black weathers very thin-bedded; Orbiculoidea missouriensis0.7
Beattie limestone (18.3 feet)
Morrill limestone member (4.6 feet)
8. Limestone, hard, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers slabby, light- to dark-gray; forms minor bench1.8
7. Limestone, hard, thick-bedded, tan-gray to gray; weathers thick-bedded, tan to gray; brachiopod fragments, echinoid spines, crinoid columnals, Dictyoclostus americanus, Meekella striatocostata, Derbyia sp.; forms vertical bank2.8
Florena shale member (2.3 feet)
6. Shale, silty, clayey, calcareous, thin-bedded, gray-brown; weathers tan-gray; Dictyoclostus americanus, Derbyia crassa, Chonetes sp., Composite sp., crinoid columnals0.6
5. Limestone, thin-bedded, dark-gray; weathers slabby, gray-brown; crinoid columnals, Meekella striatocostata, Chonetes sp., Dictyoclostus americanus; forms minor ledge0.3
4. Shale, calcareous, carbonaceous, hard, thin-bedded, tan to dark-gray; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray to gray; contains silty geodes; Chonetes granulifer, Derbyia crassa, Dictyoclostus americanus, crinoid columnals1.4
Cottonwood limestone member (6.4 feet)
3. Limestone, cherty, hard, massive, tan-gray; weathers tan; abundant fusulinids; forms hillside bench2.5
2. Limestone, cherty, hard, massive, tan-gray; weathers tan; abundant fusulinids2.6
1. Limestone, soft, thin-bedded, gray; weathers slabby, light-gray; Derbyia sp., Dictyoclostus sp., Meekella striatocostata, crinoid columnals1.3
Eskridge shale
Section measured in stream bank in the NE1/4 NE1/4 SW1/4 sec. 18, T. 3 S., R. 7 E., in bluffs 300 feet west of winding township road, 0.5 mile west and 1.25 miles north of Schroyer, Kansas. Measured by F. W. Wilson and R. M. Meddles. Thickness,
Barneston limestone-Florence limestone member (18.5 feet exposed)
22. Top covered  
21. Limestone, very cherty, massive, tan-gray; bryozoans;forms rounded hillside bench14.2
20. Limestone, clayey, massive, tan-gray; weathers flaggy, gray4.3
Matfield shale (35.2 feet exposed)
Blue Springs shale member (82.2 feet)
19. Covered interval2.0
18. Shale, silty, calcareous, soft, pebbly, gray-green; weathers mealy6.6
17. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, massive, red-brown; weathers blocky, rose3.8
16. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, gray-green; weathers pebbly0.7
15. Siltstone, calcareous, hard, massive, red-brown; forms minor ledge2.0
14. Shale, silty, calcareous, blocky, gray-green; weathers pebbly0.7
13. Shale, silty, calcareous, massive, red-brown; weathers blocky,1.0
12. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, brown; weathers blocky, rose0.8
11. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, blocky, gray-green; weathers pebbly0.5
10. Shale, silty, calcareous, blocky, gray-red; weathers pebbly, purple1.2
9. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, pebbly, gray-green; weathers mealy0.3
8. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, hard, blocky, dark red-brown; weathers pebbly, purple0.6
7. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, hard, blocky; gray-green; weathers pebbly, green1.8
6. Mudstone, noncalcareous, hard, massive, gray; weathers light gray0.8
5. Mudstone, noncalcareous, hard, massive, gray; weathers platy, light-gray; forms minor ledge1.9
4. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, hard, thick-bedded, gray-green; weathers blocky, gray8.5
3. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, blocky, dark-gray; weathers pebbly, medium-gray; contains numerous gypsum seams4.0
Kinney limestone member (1.5 feet)
2. Mudstone, calcareous, hard, massive, dark-gray; weathers platy, gray; contains nodules of selenite1.5
Wymore shale member (1.5 feet exposed)
1. Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, thick-bedded, dark-gray1.5
Base covered
Section measured in stream cut in the SE1/4 SE1/4 SE1/4 sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 7 E., 0.5 mile east, 2 miles south of Schroyer, Kansas; section begins about 0.25 mile east in stream valley and continues from cut to cut downstream to about 100 yards east of bridge on road. Measured by F. W. Wilson and R. M. Meddles. Thickness,
Matfield shale (29.2 feet exposed)
Blue Springs shale member
Kinney limestone member (5.0 feet)
59. Mudstone, noncalcareous, massive, green; weathers flaggy, cream; forms minor ledge2.0
58. Mudstone, calcareous, hard, massive, gray-green; weathers thick-bedded, cream; brachiopod fragments, Derbyia sp., ostracods, bryozoans3.0
Wymore shale member (24.2 feet)
57. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, conchoidal fracture, blocky, gray-brown; weathers mealy2.4
56. Shale, silty, calcareous, blocky, red-brown; weathers pebbly, dark-rose10.9
55. Shale, noncalcareous, blocky, gray-green; weathers mealy, turquoise, forms columns4.4
54. Mudstone, calcareous, massive, gray; weathers blocky1.5
53. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, blocky, gray-green; weathers thick-bedded, gray5.0
Wreford limestone (85.4 feet)
Schroyer limestone member (18.2 feet)
52. Mudstone, soft, massive, thick-bedded, cream; weathers tan; contains geodes1.2
51. Limestone; contains chart band in middle part0.3
50. Mudstone, silty, soft, massive, cream; weathers thick-bedded, tan; contains geodes; fossil fragments1.4
49. Chart, light gray; contains geodes0.4
48. Limestone, hard, massive, gray; weathers tan; contains geodes; brachiopod fragments1.2
47. Chart; contains geodes0.3
46. Limestone, hard, massive, gray; weathers tan; contains geodes; brachiopod fragments0.9
45. Limestone, hard, massive, cream; weathers gray-brown; contains chart nodules in middle part; forms minor ledge0.5
44. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, gray-brown; weathers thin-bedded, cream; trilobites, Dictyoclostus americanus, numerous other brachiopod fragments0.2
43. Limestone, silty, massive, cream; weathers slabby, gray-brown; contains geodes3.8
42. Limestone, hard, massive, gray; weathers gray-brown, pitted; brachiopod fragments; forms hillside bench3.0
Havensville shale member (15.1 feet)
41. Limestone, hard, massive, gray; weathers platy, gray-brown, pitted; contains geodes0.5
40. Limestone, clayey, massive, medium-gray; weathers shaly, light-gray0.9
39. Limestone, clayey, soft, massive, gray; weathers platy, cream,2.1
38. Limestone, shaly, soft, massive, tan; weathers thick-bedded to platy, cream3.8
37. Limestone, clayey, hard, massive, gray-brown; weathers pitted; forms minor bench1.9
36. Limestone, clayey, soft, wavy banded, gray; weathers cream and shaly4.0
35. Covered interval1.9
Three Mile limestone member (7.1 feet)
34. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers pitted, light-gray; forms ledge1.0
33. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers light-gray0.6
32. Chart, hard, banded, straw-colored to light-gray0.3
31. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers light-gray, pitted; brachiopod fragments0.9
30. Chart, hard., banded, straw-colored to light-gray0.1
29. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers light-gray; brachiopod fragments, crinoid columnals0.7
28. Chart, straw-colored to light-gray; weathers medium-gray0.3
27. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers light-gray, pitted; brachiopod fragments, crinoid columnals0.7
26. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers shaly and fretted, light-gray; brachiopod fragments, crinoid columnals, Septopora0.2
25. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers light-gray; brachiopod fragments, crinoid columnals; forms conspicuous outcrop0.9
24. Limestone, massive, gray; weathers shaly, light-gray, fretted; brachiopod fragments, crinoid columnals0.2
23. Limestone, hard, massive, gray; weathers light-gray; contains chert in middle part0.8
22. Shale, calcareous, hard, thin-bedded, gray0.1
21. Limestone, calcareous, hard, massive, tan-gray; weathers pitted, gray; brachiopod fragments0.3
Speiser shale (14.5 feet)
20. Shale, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, dark-gray; weathers thin-bedded, medium-gray0.1
19. Limestone, shaly, thick-bedded, dark-gray; weathers thin-bedded, medium-gray0.1
18. Shale, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, dark-gray; weathers thin-bedded, medium-gray0.2
17. Limestone, shaly, thick-bedded, dark-gray; weathers thin-bedded, medium-gray0.1
16. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thin-bedded, dark-gray; weathers medium-gray; crinoid columnals, Derbyia sp0.9
15. Siltstone, calcareous, massive, medium-gray; weathers thick-bedded; brachiopod fragments, crinoid columnals0.3
14. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, medium-gray; weathers thin-bedded1.0
13. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, gray-brown; weathers thin-bedded, gray0.4
12. Limestone, hard, massive, tan-gray; weathers medium-gray1.0
11. Shale, clayey, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, tan-gray; weathers tan2.2
10. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, hard, blocky, dark-gray; weathers mealy, gray-green1.8
9. Shale, silty, hard, massive, purple; weathers columnar, blue,0.7
8. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, hard, massive, gray-green mottled with purple; weathers pebbly, gray-green to blue, crudely columnar2.5
7. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, hard, massive, red-brown; weathers blocky, rose1.4
6. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, massive, gray; weathers mealy, light-gray0.6
5. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, massive, red; weathers mealy, rose1.2
Funston limestone (4.3 feet)
4. Limestone, clayey, massive, gray; weathers light-gray; forms minor ledge1.2
3. Shale, silty, blocky, gray-green; weathers mealy, turquoise1.7
2. Limestone, clayey, massive, light-gray; weathers gray; forms minor ledge1.4
Blue Rapids shale (0.7 foot exposed)
1. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, blocky, gray-green; weathers mealy, green0.7
Base covered
Section measured in stream cut in the SW1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4 sec. 9, T. 5 S., R. 9 E., 200 yards west of K-99 behind farm buildings, 4.7 miles south of Frank fort, 4.3 miles north of Pottawatomie-Marshall County line. Measured by Harry Smedes and R. M. Sullivan. Thickness,
Beattie limestone--Cottonwood limestone member (1.0 foot exposed)
22. Limestone, cherty, massive, tan; weathers slabby, tan-gray, etched; fusulinids; forms prominent ledge1.0
Eskridge shale (28.9 feet)
21. Covered interval28.6
20. Shale, silty, thick-bedded, light-gray; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray0.3
Granola limestone (21.9 feet exposed)
Neva limestone member (18.4 feet)
19. Limestone, limonitic, massive, gray; weathers slabby, light-gray; microfossils, echinoid spines, crinoid columnals, Chonetes sp., Marginifera sp.7.2
18. Shale, silty, calcareous, fissile, tan; weathers mealy, tan-gray; Ambocoelia sp0.6
17. Shale, silty, slightly calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, tan; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray; Dictyoclostus sp., Composita sp., Ambocoelia sp1.5
16. Shale, calcareous, silty; thin-bedded, brown; weathers tan; Lingula sp., Ambocoelia sp., Chonetes sp., Orbiculoidea sp.0.6
15. Limestone, limonitic, massive, gray; weathers blocky, tan-gray; Ambocoelia sp., brachiopod fragments, echinoid spines, small columnals, ostracods; forms minor ledge0.4
14. Shale, silty, slightly calcareous, thin-bedded, black; weathers fissile, gray1.1
13. Limestone, silty, soft, massive, light-gray; weathers blocky, tan-gray; crinoid columnals, abundant fusulinids, Ambocoelia sp0.2
12. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, light-gray; weathers mealy, gray-brown; Chonetes granulifer, Ambocoelia sp., Marginifera sp., crinoid columnals0.2
11. Limestone, clayey, limonitic, massive, tan-gray; weathers blocky, tan, pitted; small gastropods, crinoid columnals, ostracods; forms conspicuous ledge1.6
Salem Point shale member (6.8 feet)
10. Mudstone, calcareous, massive, light-gray; weathers blocky, tan-gray0.2
9. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, gray-brown; weathers tan1.0
8. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, light-gray; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray1.3
7. Shale, silty, slightly calcareous, nodular, thick-bedded, light-gray; weathers blocky0.6
6. Shale, silty, calcareous, hard, thick-bedded, weathers thin-bedded0.5
5. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, tan; weathers flaky, tan-gray 0.8
4. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, brown; weathers mealy, tan0.7
3. Shale, calcareous, silty, thin-bedded, gray-brown; weathers mealy, light-gray0.5
2. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, tan; weathers mealy, tan-gray1.2
Burr limestone member (1.7 feet exposed)
1. Limestone, clayey, limonitic, moderately hard, blocky, light-gray; weathers slabby, tan; forms conspicuous ledge1.7
Base below water
Section measured in road cut in the SW1/4 SW1/4 SW1/4 sec. 34, T. 5 S., R. 9 E., 50 yards north of county line, east side of K-99 in ditch. Measured by Harry Smedes and R. M. Sullivan. Thickness,
Bader limestone (12.6 feet exposed)
Middleburg limestone member (1.5 feet exposed)
19. Limestone, clayey, hard, massive, light-gray; weathers slabby, tan-gray; small crinoid columnals, brachiopod fragments, Aviculopecten sumnerensis; forms minor ledge1.2
18. Limestone, very clayey, hard, platy, light-gray; weathers slabby, tan-gray0.3
Hooser shale member (11.0 feet)
17. Shale, very calcareous, silty, blocky, tan; weathers mealy, tan-gray2.0
16. Mudstone, slightly calcareous, massive, cream; weathers blocky, tan0.1
15. Shale, silty, slightly calcareous, thin-bedded, tan-gray; weathers platy, light-gray0.2
14. Shale, silty, calcareous, massive, gray-brown; weathers mealy, brown0.5
13. Mudstone, slightly calcareous, massive, cream; weathers blocky, tan0.1
12. Shale, very silty, calcareous, limonitic, hard, thick-bedded olive-drab; weathers thin-bedded, tan2.1
11. Mudstone, slightly calcareous, massive; gray; weathers blocky, light-gray0.2
10. Shale, silty, slightly calcareous, thin-bedded, maroon; weathers mealy, rose2.9
9. Mudstone, calcareous, massive, violet; weathers blocky, tan-gray1.0
8. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, light-gray; weathers blocky, tan-gray0.1
7. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, light maroon; weathers mealy, rose0.3
6. Shale, silty, calcareous, thin-bedded, light-gray; weathers fissile0.4
5. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, thin-bedded, light maroon; weathers mealy, rose0.3
4. Shale, silty, very calcareous, thin-bedded, gray-orange; weathers mealy, tan0.2
3. Shale, silty, noncalcareous, soft, thick-bedded, olive-drab; weathers thin-bedded, light-gray0.2
2. Shale, silty, calcareous, thick-bedded, tan; weathers thin-bedded, tan-gray0.4
Eiss limestone member (0.1 foot exposed)
1. Limestone, massive, tan-gray; weathers cellular, tan0.1
Base covered

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geologic History of Kansas
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Web version March 2004. Original publication date March 1954.