Feet |
Loess |
25 |
Bader limestone |
Eiss limestone member |
Limestone, light in color, pitted, poorly exposed |
2 |
Stearns shale |
Covered interval |
25 |
Beattie limestone (19 feet) |
Morrill limestone member |
Covered |
2 |
Florena shale member |
Covered interval |
11 |
Cottonwood limestone member |
Limestone, characteristic Cottonwood limestone of the area |
6 |
Eskridge shale (32.9 feet) |
Shale, green and gray, limy concretions |
5.5 |
Limestone, thin beds |
0.7 |
Shale, gray, green, chocolate-color, more gray near top, chocolate-colored layers stand out as miniature cliffs |
26.7 |
Grenola limestone (33.9 feet) |
Neva limestone member (17.7 feet) |
Limestone, light-gray, dense |
0.6 |
Shale, gray |
1.5 |
Limestone, light-gray massive; irregular shale partings, a persistent parting 2.1 feet above base |
8.3 |
Marlite, limy, weathers as shale, more or less honeycombed |
1.6 |
Limestone, impure resistant |
1.2 |
Shale, gray, dark near base, siltstone near top |
3.2 |
Limestone, gray nodular fossiliferous, small fusulinids |
1.3 |
Salem Point shale member (8.3 feet) |
Shale, gray, slightly calcareous |
3.2 |
Shale, more limy than above |
1.5 |
Shale, gray |
3.6 |
Burr limestone member (7.9 feet) |
Limestone, light-gray, somewhat laminated, ostracodes in upper part |
4.5 |
Shale, black, locally gray in upper part, fissile |
1.4 |
Limestone, light in color, impure argillaceous fossiliferous, Rhombopora sp., Septopora sp., Polypora sp., Dictyoclostus americanus |
2 |
Roca shale (25.8 feet) |
Shale, black in upper part, mostly gray, lower part more calcareous, weathers yellow near base (Formerly called Legion shale) |
4.5 |
Limestone, light-gray fossiliferous (Formerly called Sallyards limestone) |
1 |
Shale, varicolored, mostly green, limy nodules in part |
7 |
Shale, red and green, some gray |
1.5 |
Mudstone, gray, irregular uper contact, variable thickness about |
2 |
Shale, greenish-gray argillaceous |
3.5 |
Limestone, dark-gray |
0.3 |
Shale, mostly greenish-gray, some red near top |
6 |
Red Eagle limestone (10.9 feet exposed) |
Howe limestone member |
Limestone, impure, or siltstone |
3 |
Bennett shale member (7.9 feet exposed) |
Shale, light in color |
0.8 |
Shale,black |
0.2 |
Shale, dark-gray, brachiopods, though not as abundant as in black shale below |
1.4 |
Shell bed, brachiopods, predominantly Composita subtilita |
0.5 |
Shale, black fissile, fossils |
0.8 |
Shell bed, mostly brachiopods, Crurithyris sp., Linoproductus prattenianus, Composita subtilita |
0.2 |
Shale, black, more or less fissile, lower part blocky and non-fissile |
2 |
Limestone, nearly white, few fossils, mostly as fragments, Pinna sp |
2 |
Beattie limestone |
Feet |
Cottonwood limestone member |
Limestone, light in color, massive, many fusulinids in upper part, siliceous nodules |
6 |
Eskridge shale |
Shale, under covered slope, word "Manhattan" in concrete letters on the slope |
27 |
Grenola limestone |
Neva limestone member |
Limestone, partly exposed in old quarry |
10 |
Lower part of Grenola limestone and upper part of Roca shale |
Covered slope |
50 |
Roca shale |
Limestone, probably not all exposed |
0.8 |
Shale, green and chocolate-color |
7 |
Red Eagle limestone (11.9 feet) |
Howe limestone member (4.8 feet) |
Limestone, massive |
1.3 |
Limestone, shaly |
0.8 |
Limestone, impure, grading into cancellate shale below |
2.7 |
Bennett shale member (5.4 feet) |
Shale, green and gray, darker near base |
4.2 |
Shale, black, white brachiopod fossils |
1.2 |
Glenrock limestone member |
Limestone, gray, weathers brown, locally a limestone breccia |
1.7 |
Johnson shale (18.1 feet) |
Shale, gray, some black near base |
5.5 |
Limestone, gray and yellow, laminated |
2 |
Mudstone |
0.6 |
Shale, arenaceous |
1 |
Shale, gray |
2 |
Mudstone |
1 |
Shale |
0.5 |
Mudstone |
0.5 |
Shale, not well exposed |
5 |
Foraker limestone (47.4 feet exposed) |
Long Creek limestone member (4.9 feet) |
Limestone, thin beds, weathers cellular, pink quartz crystals projecting from surface; locally weathers as shale |
2 |
Shale, gray argillaceous blocky |
0.9 |
Shale, dark calcareous |
0.5 |
Limestone, light-brown and gray, thin beds, more massive in lower part, weathers as shale |
1.5 |
Hughes Creek shale member (38.4 feet) |
Shale, gray and yellow, small geodes and calcite veins |
1.9 |
Mudstone, brown |
0.3 |
Limestone or blocky shale, weathers as shale |
1.5 |
Shale, gray, locally dark |
1 |
Limestone, abundant fusulinids |
0.9 |
Shale, gray, abundant fusulinids, locally
with unit next above stands out as limestone |
0.5 |
Shale, mostly dark, carbonaceous |
6 |
Limestone, dark-gray fossiliferous, weathers light in color |
0.7 |
Shale, black, lighter near top, fossils,
Orbiculoidea sp. and Lingula sp. |
0.2 |
Shale |
2.2 |
Limestone, light-gray fossiliferous |
1.2 |
Shale, dark near top, lower part not well exposed |
8.7 |
Limestone, dark |
1.3 |
Limestone, gray granular, fossiliferous at top |
1 |
Shale, mostly covered |
11 |
Americus limestone member (4.1 feet exposed) |
Limestone, impure |
0.4 |
Shale, greenish-gray |
0.2 |
Limestone, blue |
1 |
Shale, carbonaceous, thin beds |
1.6 |
Limestone, gray granular |
0.9 |
Wreford limestone |
Feet |
Threemile limestone member (8.05 feet exposed) |
Limestone, light in color, flinty |
2 |
Limestone, light in color, no flint, weathers to pitted surfaces, ledge-making |
1.8 |
Limestone, flinty |
1.55 |
Shale, gray fossiliferous |
0.8 |
Limestone, flinty |
1.9 |
Speiser shale (13 feet) |
Shale, gray fossiliferous, Chonetes granulifer, Productids, few pelecypods |
2.3 |
Limestone, light in color, granular, weathers yellow |
1.1 |
Shale, gray, calcareous seams |
1.45 |
Limestone, gray, thin beds, weathers brown |
0.2 |
Shale, green and gray |
2.7 |
Shale, chocolate-color |
2 |
Shale, green calcareous |
0.75 |
Shale, green and red, red in splotches |
1.2 |
Shale, greenish-gray calcareous |
1.3 |
Funston limestone (10.6 feet) |
Limestone, white chalky, nodular |
1.8 |
Shale, gray and green |
0.7 |
Limestone, light in color, more massive in upper part, almost a fine-grained oolite |
5.5 |
Shale, gray |
1.1 |
Limestone, brown, calcite-filled geodes in upper part, coquina in lower part |
1.5 |
Blue Rapids shale |
Shale, upper 10 feet mostly gray, some red about 10 feet from top, rest of unit covered |
29.1 |
Crouse limestone |
Limestone, brown granular, upper part tabular, lower part massive |
6 |
Easly Creek shale (23.6 feet) |
Covered interval, mostly shale |
10.2 |
Limestone, gray muddy laminated |
0.9 |
Shale, gray, chocolate-colored bands |
12.5 |
Bader limestone (18A feet exposed) |
Middleburg limestone member (3.9 feet) |
Limestone, brown granular |
0.4 |
Shale, mostly black |
0.6 |
Limestone, light in color, granular, rough to touch, shaly in lower part |
2.9 |
Hooser shale member |
Shale, green and gray |
4.5 |
Eiss limestone member |
Limestone, light in color, not well exposed (Note: Top of Cottonwood limestone member of Beattie limestone formation is 37 feet below base of Eiss limestone in this section) |
10 |
Bader limestone |
Feet |
Eiss limestone member |
Limestone, light in color, not well exposed, makes topographic bench on hills |
5 |
Stearns shale |
Shale, mostly gray, calcareous, some thin beds of limestone near top |
13 |
Limestone and shale, olive-green shale near top; irregular mass of veins of calcite and limestone, somewhat indefinite top |
1.6 |
Shale, gray |
1.5 |
Beattie limestone (15 feet) |
Morrill limestone member |
Limestone, brownish-gray hard, weathers into irregular masses of calcite-filled pits |
3 |
Florena shale member |
Shale, gray, fossiliferous near base, Chonetes granulifer, bryozoa, crinoid stems |
6 |
Cottonwood limestone member |
Limestone, light in color, massive, slightly silicified nodules, fusulinids |
6 |
Eskridge shale (31.8 feet) |
Shale, gray calcareous, pelecypods in lower part |
5.5 |
Limestone, gray silty |
0.3 |
Shale, gray, red, and green, some calcareous material |
26 |
Grenola limestone |
Neva limestone member (14.7 feet exposed) |
Limestone, light in color, massive, brittle, and somewhat nodular |
8 |
Shale, yellow and gray, fossiliferous in upper part, Triticites obesus, Triticites ventricosus, Axophyllum sp., crinoid stems, plates, and columnals, Lissochonetes geinitzianus, Chonetes granulifer, Hustedia mormoni, Crurithyris sp. |
1.7 |
Limestone, gray hard; more or less nodular and brecciated, upper part weathers as shale and grades into nodular shale above |
5 |
Permian System |
Feet |
Foraker limestone (33.9 feet exposed) |
Hughes Creek shale member |
Covered interval, myriads of fusulinids |
30 |
Americus limestone member (3.9 feet) |
Limestone, bluish-gray, fusulinids, crinoid stems, Chonetes granulifer |
0.9 |
Shale, almost black, fossiliferous |
2 |
Limestone, impure, not well exposed |
1 |
Hamlin shale |
Five Point limestone |
West Branch shale |
Covered interval |
38 |
Falls City limestone (11.7 feet) |
Limestone, dense gray argillaceous, flecks of limonite |
0.9 |
Shale, calcareous, nodules |
0.3 |
Limestone, few brachiopods, pelecypods |
0.5 |
Shale not well exposed |
10 |
Hawxby shale |
Shale not well exposed |
34 |
Aspenwall limestone |
Limestone, very poorly exposed |
? |
Towle shale |
Unnamed shale member |
Mostly covered, limonitic shale; where seen grades(?) into Indian Cave sandstone member below |
20 |
Indian Cave sandstone member |
Sandstone and sandy shale, gray, weathers brown, micaceous, grains of quartz stained with iron rust, clay matrix; limonitic concretions in upper part, dark shaly layers in upper part |
75 |
Carboniferous System, Pennsylvanian Subsystem |
Brownville(?) limestone (5.5 feet) |
Limestone, brown, deeply weathered |
0.5 ± |
Shale, greenish-gray fissile |
3 ± |
Limestone, brown and gray, deeply weathered, Chonetes sp., Marginifera wabashensis, fusulinids |
2 ± |
Pony Creek shale |
Shale, gray to yellow, calcareous |
3 ± |
Dover limestone |
Feet |
Limestone, light in color, crystalline fossil fragments |
2± |
Table Creek shale (18 feet) |
Shale, covered |
12 ± |
Shale, gray |
6 |
Maple Hill limestone |
Limestone, bluish-gray to yellow, weathers brown, small fusulinids numerous, granular, showing calcite cleavage faces, fusulinids weather lighter in color than matrix |
1.4 |
Pierson Point shale |
Shale, yellow and gray, limonitic concretions, irregular beds |
17 |
Tarkio limestone (11 feet) |
Limestone, light in color, thin beds, fragments of other fossils and Triticites ventricosus |
5 |
Limestone, gray, weathers brown, cliff-forming, massive throughout but more massive in lower part, irregular beds, stylolites along planes, Triticites ventricosus abundant |
6 |
Willard shale (32 feet) |
Shale, yellow and gray, blocky, argillaceous |
8.5 |
Shale and sandstone, micaceous sandstone in a few thin beds, mostly shale |
23.5 |
Elmont limestone |
Limestone, dark-blue to almost black in part, and brownish-blue to purplish-brown, weathers gray, deeply stained with iron rust, calcite cleavage faces on fracture, clusters of fossil fragments on bedding planes, Triticites acutus abundant |
2 |
Harveyville shale |
Shale, gray in upper part, yellow in lower part, hard calcareous and limonitic concretions in upper part |
15 |
Reading limestone |
Limestone, brown and gray, slightly crystalline, crinoid stems |
2.1 |
Auburn shale |
Shale, gray, upper part dark |
12 |
Winfield limestone (27.2 feet exposed) |
Feet |
Luta(?) limestone member (12.7 feet) |
Limestone, almost white, chalky, large calcite geodes |
4 |
Shale, white powdery, beds of limestone near top, geodes |
0.5 |
Limestone, almost white, chalky, yellow calcite concretions, locally a chalky shale |
5 |
Shale, very chalky, small calcite geodes |
3.2 |
Cresswell limestone member |
Limestone, light-gray, weathers white, massive,shaly in lower part, uneven contact with Grant shale member below, echinoid spines |
3.5 |
Grant shale member |
Shale, gray |
10 |
Stovall limestone member |
Limestone, gray fossiliferous flinty |
1 |
Doyle shale |
Feet |
Towanda limestone member |
Limestone, mostly covered |
Holmesville shale member |
Covered interval |
22.5 |
Barneston limestone (49.3 feet) |
Fort Riley limestone member (17.3 feet) |
Limestone, light in color, pitted, thinner beds in upper part |
1.6 |
Covered interval |
12 |
Limestone, light in color, massive "rim rock," pitted upon weathered surfaces |
3.7 |
Oketo shale member(?) |
Covered interval |
5 |
Florence limestone member (27 feet) |
Covered interval |
12 |
Limestone, massive, no flint at top; shaly, no flint at base, flinty in other parts |
15 |
Matfield shale (47.6 feet exposed) |
Blue Springs shale member (35.3 feet) |
Shale, gray, red, and green |
20 |
Limestone, light in color, weathers red |
0.8 |
Shale, gray, some red and green |
14.5 |
Kinney limestone member (6.3 feet) |
Limestone, impure, weathers as shale, grades into shale below |
3 |
Shale, gray calcareous fossiliferous |
1.3 |
Limestone, impure granular, grades into shale below |
2 |
Wymore shale member |
Shale, gray, somewhat blocky near base |
6 |
Wreford limestone (38.8 feet exposed) |
Feet |
Schroyer limestone member |
Limestone, flinty |
2 |
Covered slope, concealing lower part of Schroyer limestone, Havensville shale, and upper part of Threemile limestone |
30 |
Threemile limestone member |
Limestone, white, no flint |
2 |
Limestone, flinty |
2.3 |
Shale, gray fossiliferous |
0.9 |
Limestone, flinty |
1.6 |
Speiser shale (14.4 feet) |
Shale, gray fossiliferous |
2.1 |
Limestone, light in color, dense |
0.7 |
Shale, red and green |
11.6 |
Funston limestone |
Limestone, light in color, chalky, massive |
3.3 |
Blue Rapids shale |
Shale, mostly gray, some bands of chocolate-color |
20 |
Crouse limestone |
Limestone, gray to brown, tabular, laminated, more massive in lower part |
10 |
Easly Creek shale (22 feet) |
Shale, yellow nodular |
6 |
Limestone, gray, shaly in upper part |
2 |
Shale, gray and green, lower 5 feet covered |
14 |
Bader limestone (17.8 feet) |
Middleburg limestone member (5.4 feet) |
Limestone, brecciated |
0.5 |
Shale, black |
0.5 |
Limestone, dark, partly covered |
3.6 |
Limestone, argillaceous |
0.8 |
Hooser shale member |
Shale, gray |
5.6 |
Eiss limestone member (6.8 feet) |
Limestone, pitted where weathered |
2.7 |
Shale, gray |
2.7 |
Limestone, gray earthy fossiliferous |
1.4 |
Stearns shale |
Shale, gray |
20 |
Beattie limestone (17.5 feet) |
Morrill limestone member |
Limestone, brown, weathers into irregular mass, hardly more than a calcareous zone |
2 |
Florena shale member |
Shale, gray fossiliferous, not well exposed |
10 |
Cottonwood limestone member |
Limestone, light in color, massive, fusulinids |
5.5 |
Eskridge shale |
Shale, mostly gray, not all exposed |
21.7 |
Grenola limestone (31.7 feet exposed) |
Neva limestone member (13.1 feet) |
Limestone, gray granular |
1.5 |
Limestone, gray, mostly in thin beds |
4.1 |
Limestone, gray brecciated |
4.5 |
Shale, yellow and gray |
2.5 |
Limestone, gray |
0.5 |
Salem Point shale member |
Shale, gray, calcareous at top |
8.1 |
Burr limestone member (10.5 feet exposed) |
Limestone, gray, thin beds, laminated |
5.5 |
Limestone, gray dense |
5 |
Barneston limestone |
Feet |
Florence limestone member |
Covered interval |
40 |
Matfield shale (83.5 feet) |
Blue Springs shale member |
Shale, green, chocolate-color, and gray, not well exposed |
55 |
Kinney limestone member (3.8 feet) |
Limestone, thin-bedded and shaly |
3 |
Limestone, yellow to gray, massive, one bed |
0.8 |
Wymore shale member |
Shale, gray, green, chocolate-color, and yellow |
24.7 |
Wreford limestone |
Schroyer limestone member (6 feet exposed) |
Limestone, light in color, no flint |
2 |
Covered interval |
4 |
Limestone, flinty |
? |