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Project Proposal

4-D High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Monitoring of Miscible CO2 Injected into a Carbonate Reservoir


This three-phase 4-D seismic program includes up to twelve sequential 3-D surveys designed to provide a time lapse map of carbon dioxide (CO2) movement during and containment after its injection into a carbonate reservoir. The primary objective is to improve the understanding of fluid-flow paths, reservoir architecture, reservoir properties, CO2 movement, CO2 containment, and post-injection CO2 stability of a 15-acre CO2 miscible flood in the Lansing-Kansas City Formation, central Kansas, beginning in Spring 2003 under the U.S. DOE Class Revisit Program (Project #DE-AC26-00BC15124). Sequential images obtained before, during, and after the flood will improve understanding of the flood process and potentially aid in flood management for this and other miscible floods.

Also, these data will be studied for: 1) efficient approaches to use of high-resolution, minimal deployment 4-D seismic monitoring in enhanced oil recovery programs; 2) feasibility of high-resolution imaging of a single pay zone in a succession of cyclic carbonate units; 3) effectiveness of 4-D seismic monitoring in interpreting rock properties that influence flood performance; 4) usefulness of 2-D, 2-component (2-C) shear wave seismic as a complement to 3-D P-wave imaging; 5) use of synthetic seismograms, correlated to real data, for improvement of flooding programs; 6) time-lapse seismic's potential to provide assurance of CO2 containment; and 7) the potential to monitor long-term CO2 stability.

Complete Proposal

Kansas Geological Survey, 4-D Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Injection Project
Placed online June 20, 2003
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