Research Opportunities for Undergraduates - Apply to join the FAST Geophysics program!
Undergraduates are encouraged to apply to complete a research project with the FAST Geophysics program! Dr. Schneider will accept 1-2 undergraduates each year to complete a guided research project. Students interested in completing a research project with the FAST Geophysics program should fill out this form.
Who can apply? Students seeking degrees in geology, physics, archaeology, or any other STEM discipline are eligible.
Do I have to be attending the University of Kansas? No, students are welcome to apply from any school in the state of Kansas!
Is funding available? Funding may be available, but is not guaranteed. Dr. Schneider works with students to identify funding sources to support their research projects in addition to seeking her own grants for student support.
Are there any required prerequisite classes? No, but the following classes are recommended to complete before or concurrently while completing a research project:
- PHYSICS - Physics I and II (Force and Mechanics, EM)
- GEOLOGY - Introductory Geology, Introduction to Geophysics
- MATH - Calc I and II, Linear Algebra
*Submitting this form does not guarantee entry into the program. Dr. Schneider will follow up with students after receiving their form within 7-10 business days.
Meet Madison Rice, Undergraduate Research Assistant!

Degree Program: B.S. in Microbiology and B.G.S. in Anthropology
Research Project: Evaluating the Impact of Burial Settings for Ground-Penetrating Radar Detection at Valencia Cemetery
Awards and Presentations related to the project: Fall 2020 University of Kansas Undergraduate Research Award
What I like about research: Research feels like a huge puzzle to me; I love getting to find the right pieces and put them together!
My future goals: Getting published and getting into medical school.
Program Personel
The program is led by Dr. Blair Schneider, Associate Researcher and Science Outreach Manager at the Kansas Geological Survey. She has worked at both prehistoric and historic archaeological sites across the continental United States. She has also worked with local law enforcement to assist with the location of human remains or other types of evidence. Questions about the program can be sent via email to
Relevant Publications and Courses
GEOL 791: Geophysical Methods for Environmental Applications. This course introduces geophysical methods commonly used in subsurface characterization of environmental sites. Fundamentals and application of ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction, electrical resistivity and magnetics will be introduced through online instruction and in a required, one-day, on-campus, field session.

Students in the Spring 2021 GEOL 791 class collected data at an old homestead at the KU Edwards Campus.
Publications and Recent Abstracts
Related Publications
- Schneider, B., Tsoflias, G., Steeples, D., Mandel, R. and Hofman, J., 2018,
- Bone permittivity and its effect on using GPR: Geophysics, v. 83, no. 1, p. H1-H11:
- Dalan, R., Sturdevant, J., Wallace, R., Schneider, B. and De Vore, S., 2017,
- Cutbank geophysics: Expanding magnetic investigations using magnetic susceptibility testing at an Awatixa Hidatsa Village, North Dakota: Remote Sensing, v. 9, no. 12, doi:10.3390/rs9020112.
- Schneider, B.B., Mandel, R.M., Tsoflias, G., De Vore, S.L and Lynott, M., 2016,
- Combining ER and GPR surveys for evidence of prehistoric landscape construction: Case study at Mound City, Ohio, USA: Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 129, p. 178-186.
- De Vore, S.L. and Schneider, B.B., 2013,
- Magnetic Survey Data from the Sakakawea Village Site at Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site, North Dakota, U.S.A.: The Newsletter of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection, 34, p. 7-10.
Related Abstracts, Workshops, and Presentations
- Schneider, B. and Eck, C., 2021,
- Geophysical survey of Site 14LV425, Leavenworth, County, Kansas: Near-Surface Geophysics Group Recent Advances in Archaeological Geophysics. Virtual conference hosted by the University of Leeds
- Schneider, B., 2020,
- Utilizing Geophysics to Solve Archaeological and Forensic Problems: University of North Dakota Applied Geoscience Conference.
- Schneider, B.B., Knippel, E.P. and Miller, R.D., 2020,
- Utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar to assist in a forensic cold case investigation: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 3324-3330.
- Schneider, B.B., Schagge, J. and Nobes, D., 2019,
- SEG Annual Meeting Post-convention Short Course Leader and Presenter. Topic: Near-Surface Geophysics for Archaeological and Forensic Applications.
- Schneider, B.B. and Hoard, R.J., 2019,
- Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of Site 14DC320: Utilizing Geophysical Methods to Protect Native American Burials: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, p. 2863-2867.
- Schneider, B.B. and Tsoflias, G., 2017,
- GPR Polarization Effects of Buried Bison Bone: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, p. 1-5.
- Schneider, B., 2015,
- Near-Surface Geophysical Methods for Archeological Prospection: Kansas Anthropological Association, Topeka, Kansas.
A copy of Dr. Schneider's CV can be viewed here.