Field Update 2, Scheuerman Mammoth Site; June 24, 2015
The 2015 Odyssey crew continues to work in several excavation units searching for additional mammoth bone and any possible evidence of human activity associated with the mammoth remains (Photos 1 and 2). So far, the crew is encountering mostly soil, and they are moving a lot of it via shovel skimming--but not without minor injury (Photo 3)! All of the earth moving has paid off because additional mammoth bones have been uncovered this week. Now the crew begins the slow, tedious task of carefully documenting, removing, and preserving the bone (Photos 4 and 5).
Photo 1: The excavation area at the Scheuerman Mammoth Site. Rains move around the site to the south and east.
Photo 2: The crew shovel skimming soil within the targeted excavation units.
Photo 3: The effects of daily shovel skimming.
Photo 4. Barb Crable documents weathering on the underside of Bone 63 (unidentified so far).
Photo 5: Leila Joyce works to clean off a rib bone.
Text by Laura Murphy, Photos by Kale Bruner