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Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2001-14
2000 Digital Petroleum Atlas Annual Report
The ImageMap command of HTML can also be used to ask a question of a database. Here is an ImageMap syntax fragment for the map of a portion of Chase-Silica Field (Figure 6, 7):
<area shape=rect coords="408,54,478,124" href="http://magellan.kgs.ku.edu/abyss/public/dpa.chase.mainTRS?twn=18&rge=10&sct=36">
The link shows that the computer called " magellan.kgs.ku.edu" is asked for a web page. On that computer, the words " abyss/public/" mean that the Oracle database called "abyss" will be called with a publicly available question. The program that will run the database query is "dpa.chase.mainTRS." Finally, the program needs township, range, and section values ("twn=18&rge=10&sct=36"). Even though 36 sections are "imagemapped" for each township scale map, the process uses search and replace functions that are very efficient.
Software provided with relational database management systems, such as Oracle, is used to connect the web pages to the database. This "middleware" receives the parameters from the web browser, formats them, and sends them to the programs stored in the relational database (Figure 8). After each query is executed, the database sends the data back through the middleware. The results appear to the user with a web browser just like any static web page (Figure 8).
A number of separate tables in the relational database are used to support the DPA web pages (figures 9, 10). The main table is the master list of oil and gas wells maintained by the Kansas Geologic Survey. To the user the pages generated from the query to the database appear, and act exactly as the static, hand-created pages. The subsidiary data files accessed by the DPA are often not maintained by project personnel. Kansas Geological Survey personnel, and even other state agencies, provide update the information in the tables as part of other projects (Figure 9). An example would be monthly oil and gas production data obtained from the Kansas Department of Revenue. The DPA structure is used to extract up-to-date data from those external tables and present to the user web pages that look and act just like normal DPA pages. The result is that parts of the DPA are automatically maintained and updated and will continue to be maintained after the project has ended ("a living publication").
In year 3, only the Chase-Silica field was using dynamic pages and query to relational databases. In year 4, Kismet and Stewart fields were added to the atlas, and the dynamic well pages were added. While the last DPA annual report stated that older DPA fields would not be moved use dynamic pages and query to relational databases, current plans are to migrate all existing fields to Oracle during the next project year. Because of new drilling in the existing DPA fields, the current pages become out of date and new pages must be added. In addition, the static pages do not benefit from the work done to the main database. For example, all of the LAS (digital wireline log files) have been copied from the DPA to Oracle. Providing access through the relational databases decreases maintenance.
In year four the following relational database tables have been added to the DPA or have been improved:
Table of Contents | Previous Page | Improved Database Management | Next Page | Figure 6 |