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Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2008-25

Analysis of Marmaton and Cherokee Group Core Samples for Gas Content
Layne-Christensen #16-1 Pierce,
NE SE SW sec. 16, T. 31 S., R. 17 E., Montgomery County, Kansas

K. David Newell

KGS Open File Report 2008-25
January 2009

Seven three-inch diameter core samples from the Pennsylvanian Marmaton and Cherokee Groups were collected from the Layne-Christensen #16-1 Pierce well, NE SE SW sec. 16, T. 31 S., R. 17 E., Montgomery County, KS from May 28 to May 31, 2003. The following as-received gas contents were measured, based on the dry weight of the sample:

471.0' to 471.8' Lexington "B" coal
139.5 scf/ton
569.0' to 570.0' Excello Shale
40.0 scf/ton
571.1' to 572.0' Mulky coal
188.1 scf/ton
875.5' to 876.4' Dry Wood
189.9 scf/ton
910.7' to 911.4' Neutral(?)
110.7 scf/ton
982.0' to 983.0' Riverton coal
144.2 scf/ton
983.0' to 984.0' Riverton coal
74.1 scf/ton

Analyses of five desorbed coal gases indicate that they are dry gases, ranging from 952 to 1041 BTU/scf. Nitrogen and carbon dioxide are the major non-combustible component gases. Carbon dioxide contents range from 1.4% to 3.6%. Isotopic analysis indicate the gas is mixed thermogenic and biogenic in origin.

Based on gas content, density, and thickness measurements, the gas-in-place estimates for the respective units are:

  unit gas per acre
(thousand cubic ft)
Lexington "B"
Excello Sh.
Dry Wood

The Layne-Christensen #16-1 Pierce well; NE SE SW 16-T.31S.-R.17E., Montgomery County, KS, was selected for desorption tests in association with an on-going coalbed-gas research project at the Kansas Geological Survey. The samples (3-inch-diameter cores) were gathered from May 28, 2003 to May 31, 2003 by K. David Newell of the Kansas Geological Survey, with assistance by Jim Stegeman of Colt Energy. Samples were obtained by wireline coring on a rig owned by Layne-Christensen, Canada.

Bottom-hole times (i.e., the time the core sample was lifted from the bottom of the hole) and canistering times (i.e., the time the sample was placed in the desorption canister) were noted in order to determine lost gas and start of desorption. Approximate wet weight of the sample was determined by subtraction of the weight of the empty canister from the weight of the canister with the sample in it. After the sample was removed from the canister, it was weighed again before air-drying, then weighed after drying. The weight loss is noted in the desorption table.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Energy Research
Updated January 2009
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