The pseudo-seismic approach to stratigraphic interpretation is based on the observation that wireline well logs resemble seismic traces in many respects. Both seismic data and wireline log data are simple x-y series, one in the amplitude-time domain and the other in the amplitude-depth domain. Wireline well logging tools record various rock properties and output these data as a depth series. Ultimately, the goal of seismic processing is to approach on a trace-by-trace basis the resolution of geophysical well logs.
Figure 9
Structurally-datumed pseudo-seismic profile of gamma-ray logs detailing the Dakota aquifer. This profile was constructed using gamma-ray logs from over 200 wells.
A pseudo-seismic profile provides a simple representation of Permian through Cretaceous rocks of western Kansas based solely on gamma-ray logs (Figure 9). More than 200 wells were converted to SEGY format and loaded into the workstation as seismic traces.
Trace spacing was selected to be approximately 1.6 km, and wells were assigned to the nearest trace. Areas of sparse well control are represented by blank traces.
The section can be interpreted and displayed using all the tools available within the workstation environment. Using just rudimentary workstation tools results in a startling increase in interpretation speed.
Using the zoom, datum, and manual and auto-picking tools, the profile was interpreted in a few hours. Interpretations were subject to continuous verification by examination of the data set as a whole.
The display capabilities of workstation-based interpretational software increases the power of the visualization as compared to traditional computer-assisted wireline log cross-sections. Features such as truncation of individual beds within the Permian by the Cretaceous unconformity, the effect of the dissolution of Permian salt on localizing deposition of overlying Cheyenne-Dakota fluvial sands, and normal faulting on the western margin of the Central Kansas Uplift are readily apparent (Figure 9). The zoom and datum capabilities of the workstation can be used to map truncation, onlap, and downlap of individual "beds" within specific stratigraphic units. In terms of vertical resolution pseudo-seismic data can surpass seismic data, as vertical resolution is limited only by the resolution of the logging tool and of the digital data.