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Douglas County Geohydrology

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Table 3

Table 3--Chemical analyses of selected outcropping limestones from Douglas County [Adapted from Runnels and Schleicher, 1956].

Limestone member Thickness (feet) Location (T-R-Sec) Constituent, percent by weight Laboratory No.
bCaCO3 bMgCO3 bCaCO3 equiv. CaO MgO L.O.I.c SiO2 dAl2O3 eFe2O3 SO3 S P2O5 Total
Curzon 3 12-17-11 91.38 0.61 92.04 51.27 0.79 40.50 4.66 1.62 1.15 T   0.06 100.05 54369
Ervine Creek 8 11-18-32c 95.06 1.13 95.22 53.35 0.54 41.90 2.70 0.55 1.69 T   0.07 100.80 49452
Rock Bluff 3 11-18-32c 82.87 7.62 91.98 46.48 3.64 40.47 3.49 1.25 5.06 0.15   T 100.54 49446
Ozawkie   11-17-36 95.07   95.18 53.27   41.88 2.11 0.71 0.89 0.00 0.00 T 99.02 50554
Spring Branch 6.8 11-17-36b 73.94 12.41 90.91 41.63 5.93 40.00 6.29 1.55 4.22 0.10 0.01 0.08 99.80 53216
Plattsmouth 14 12-19-1a 81.55 1.53 84.95 45.69 0.73 37.38 13.94 0.92 1.83 T   T 100.49 51438
Plattsmouth 8 12-19-25c 88.40 1.05 90.02 49.58 0.50 39.61 7.59 1.04 1.01 0.00 0.00 0.04 99.37 52367
Plattsmouth 14.5 12-18-32a 90.97 0.65 92.30 50.94 0.31 40.61 5.86 0.87 1.07 T 0.04 0.06 99.72 53217
Plattsmouth 11 13-19-4c 87.83 1.59 90.52 49.39 0.76 39.83 7.62 0.93 1.01 0.06 0.08 0.10 99.71 53212
Plattsmouth 10.3 14-18-22a 89.83 2.03 91.64 50.44 0.97 40.32 6.41 1.44 0.44 0.13   0.02 100.17 54370
Toronto 8 12-19-25c 78.78 7.03 87.84 44.19 3.36 38.65 8.26 1.32 3.97 0.00 0.00 0.04 99.79 52358
Toronto 3 12-19-36d 68.89 19.64 96.50 38.60 9.39 42.46 3.22 0.61 5.10 T   0.00 99.58 4766
Toronto 3.6 12-19-35b 93.38 1.15 93.75 52.34 0.55 41.25 3.48 1.17 1.08 0.00   0.02 99.89 54372
Toronto 4.2 14-20-19d 94.77 1.13 95.16 53.11 0.54 41.87 3.16 0.82 0.54 0.00   0.01 100.05 54371
Stoner 14 13-21-4a 93.93 1.71 96.59 52.79 0.82 42.50 2.11 0.52 0.63 0.08 0.06 0.04 99.49 5112
Stoner 17 13-21-18d 95.09 1.86 96.09 53.29 0.89 42.28 2.17 0.73 0.56 T   0.01 99.93 52135
Stoner 15.3 13-21-15d 93.70 1.51 94.07 52.51 0.72 41.39 3.23 0.97 0.88 T 0.05 0.01 99.71 53170
Stoner 13.2 12-21-20b 88.26 4.66 95.39 49.49 2.23 41.97 3.01 1.46 1.35 0.00 0.07 0.03 99.54 53215

a. Record of precise locality is on file in office of State Geological Survey of Kansas.
b. Calculated.
c. Net loss of weight on ignition from 105° to 1000° C.
d. Includes MnO, ZrO2, V2)5, and TiO2 when present.
e. Total iron expressed as F22O3.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geohydrology of Douglas County
Web version Aug. 1999. Original publication date Dec. 1960.
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