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Finney and Gray county Geohydrology

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells

On the following pages are listed the logs of 59 wells and test holes in Finney and Gray counties, one test hole (1) in Scott County, one test hole (12) in Kearny County, and two test holes (28 and 29) in Ford County. Logs 1 to 29 are of test holes drilled by the State and Federal Geological Surveys (fig. 7). Logs 30 to 60 include logs of test holes drilled by other agencies and well drillers, logs of water wells (pls. 3 and 4), and partial logs of oil tests.

Lithologic terms used in the driller's logs have been retained. The term "gyp" has been used by many drillers to describe the harder lime-cemented beds in the Ogallala formation and undifferentiated Pleistocene beds. "Quicksand" and "pack sand" have been used by some drillers to describe loose fine sand, and "sand rock" has been used to describe sandstone. Many of the softer unconsolidated beds of the Ogallala formation and Pleistocene deposits have been logged as clay, but in those wells from which cuttings are available for study most of the so-called clay was found to be silt.

Because of lack of detail in the driller's logs of oil tests, no attempt was made to correlate these logs (58-60).

Wells 1-12 || Wells 13-24 || Wells 25-36 || Wells 37-48 || Wells 49-60

25. Log of test hole 25 at the NE corner sec. 4, T. 28 S., R. 28 W., Gray County, drilled by the State and Federal Geological Surveys. 1941. Surface altitude, 2,800.0 feet. (Authority, samples studied by Perry M. McNally and Bruce F. Latta.) Thickness
Soil, sandy, dark22
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Silt and sand, fine to medium; tan1012
Silt and sand, fine; tan; containing white caliche fragments and pebbles1931
Sand, medium, to gravel, fine; brown3768
Silt to sand, coarse; limy; light tan; contains caliche nodules472
Sand, medium, to gravel, fine; brown28100
Sand, fine to coarse, brown13113
Silt to sand, coarse; limy; tan; containing few thin gravel lenses51.5164.5
Silt and sand, fine to medium; tan; containing lime nodules10.5175
Silt to sand, coarse; limy; tan and light gray5180
Sand, medium, to gravel, medium; brown7187
Silt to sand, coarse; tan; containing thin lenses of light gray limy silt15.5202.5
Sand, coarse, to gravel, coarse; brown33.5236
Silt and sand, fine; tan8244
Gravel, cemented, hard4.5248.5
Silt, sandy, tan; containing lime nodules6.5255
Silt and sand, fine to medium; limy; light tan and light gray13268
Silt, fine sandy, tan20288
Sand, fine to medium; lime-cemented, white to light gray,14302
Silt and sand, fine; light gray12314
Greenhorn limestone
Shale, calcareous, white, yellow, and orange-tan; containing thin beds of chalky limestone and bentonite12.5326.5
Shale, calcareous, dark gray6.5333

26. Log of test hole 26 in the NE corner sec. 20, T. 28 S., R. 29 W., Gray County, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1941. Surface altitude, 2,779.6 feet. (Authority, samples studied by Perry M. McNally and Bruce F. Latta.) Thickness
Soil, sandy, dark22
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Silt and sand, fine to medium; tan911
Silt and sand, fine; limy; gray and tan; containing soft caliche nodules4960
Silt and sand, fine to coarse; tan; containing caliche nodules3090
Sand, medium, to gravel, coarse; brown13103
Silt and sand, fine to coarse; limy; light tan and light gray; containing caliche fragments20123
Sand, medium, to gravel, coarse7130
Silt and sand, fine to coarse; brown21.5151.5
Sand, medium, to gravel, coarse; brown8159.5
Silt and sand, fine; tan; containing few limy lenses18.5178
Clay, silty and sandy, yellow-tan4182
Caliche, soft, tan and light gray; and sand, fine lime-cemented16198
Silt, sand, and gravel; poorly sorted14212
Sand, fine, to gravel, fine; brown28240
Silt and sand, fine; tan22262
Caliche gravel, gray and yellow-tan; containing some light gray silty clay6.5268.5
Dakota formation
Clay, silty, blocky, tan3.5272
Sandstone, tan, yellow-brown, and light gray; and clay, blocky, silty9281
Shale, dark gray to black; containing sandstone concretion at top1282
Shale, silty and sandy, light to dark gray; containing few fragments of black fossil charcoal38320

26a. Log of test hole 26a in the SW NW SE sec. 24, T. 28 S., R. 29 W., Montezuma, Kansas, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1943. (Authority, samples studied by Oscar S. Fent and Bruce F. Latta.) Thickness
Top soil, silty, black44
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala (?) formation
Silt, soft, tan, brown, buff, and white; containing some fine to coarse sand and caliche3135
Silt, soft, yellow-brown237
Silt, tan; containing some fine to coarse sand, fine gravel, and caliche2865
Silt, soft, red; containing medium sand and caliche570
Silt, white to gray and brown; containing some sand and gravel, and caliche1686
Gravel, fine to medium; containing a little coarse gravel and pebbles288
Silt, compact, white to gray and brown; containing fine sand to medium gravel, and caliche1098
Silt, tan and greenish tan; containing medium sand to coarse gravel35133
Silt, soft, red-tan; containing some sand and gravel3136
Gravel, fine to medium, and sand, medium to coarse; containing a little coarse gravel and gray silt14150
Silt, soft, white to gray; containing sand and gravel, caliche, and a few pebbles30180
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone, hard, gray; interbedded with yellow and gray clay-shale15195

26b. Log of test hole 26b, in the NE SE SW sec. 24, T. 28 S., R. 29 W., Montezuma, Kansas, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1943. (Authority, samples studied by Oscar S. Fent and Bruce F. Latta.) Thickness
Top soil, silty, gray-black11
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala (?) formation
Silt, blocky, gray to tan1920
Silt, tan; containing fine to coarse sand and caliche3050
Sand, fine to coarse; silt; and caliche6.556.5
Silt, clayey, buff6.563
Sand, fine to coarse; silt; and caliche366
Silt, soft, red-tan and buff; and caliche470
Silt; containing some sand and a little gravel2090
Gravel, fine to coarse; and sand, coarse494
Silt, soft, gray to white6100
Gravel, fine to coarse; containing much fine to coarse sand and thin layers of silt60160
Silt, soft, white to buff; containing some sand, gravel, and caliche33193
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone, hard, white to gray; and clay-shale, gray7200

26c. Log of test hole 26c in the SE NE SW sec. 24, T. 28 S., R. 29 W., Montezuma, Kansas, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1943. (Authority, samples studied by Oscar S. Fent and Bruce F. Latta.) Thickness
Topsoil, gray-black1.51.5
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala (?) formation
Silt; containing some sand and caliche nodules10.512
Sand, silt, and caliche820
Silt; containing some sand and caliche2343
Sand, fine to coarse; and silt548
Silt; containing sand, gravel, and caliche57105
Gravel, fine to medium; containing fine to coarse sand and some coarse gravel11116
Silt; containing some fine to coarse sand15131
Gravel, fine to medium; containing fine to coarse sand29160
Silt; containing some sand and hard "mortar beds"10170
Silt; containing some medium to coarse sand and. caliche10180
Silt, compact; containing fine sand to fine gravel18.5198.5
Greenhorn limestone
Limestone, hard, gray1.5200

27. Log of test hole 27 at the NW corner sec. 34, T. 29 S., R. 28 W., Gray County, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1941. Surface altitude, 2,680.7 feet. (Authority, samples studied by Perry M. McNally and Bruce F. Latta.) Thickness
Soil, sandy, dark44
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits
Silt, fine sandy, tan-brown; containing soft caliche nodules2832
Caliche, silt, and sand, fine; tan5.537.5
Sand, fine to medium; silty; containing scattered gravel and caliche pebbles23.561
Gravel, very coarse, brown; containing some sand1980
Silt and sand, fine; light tan1090
Sand, fine, to gravel, medium; tan20110
Sand, coarse, to gravel, very coarse39.5149.5
Silt and sand, fine limy; light gray1.5151
Silt and sand, fine to medium; tan11162
Gravel, fine; contains caliche pebbles2.5164.5
Dakota formation
Shale noncalcareous, gray; and sandstone, fine-grained, gray and yellow10.5175
Sandstone, light gray, yellow, and tan;, and shale, light gray4179
Sandstone, yellow-tan and brown; and some shale, light gray9.5188.5
Clay, silty, light gray1.5190

28. Log of test hole 28 in the NW corner sec. 6, T. 28 S., R. 26 W., Ford County, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1939. Surface altitude, 2,710.7 feet. (Authority, samples studied by Perry M. McNally and H.A. Waite.) Thickness
Kingsdown silt (Pleistocene and Recent)
Top soil, silty, loam, brown77
Soil, silty, clayey, brown to light brown411
Silt, limy, brown; contains nodules of lime617
Silt, brown; contains little or no lime320
Silt, light brown; contains small amount of lime from 29 to 40 feet2747
Silt, hard, brown; contains pebbles of quartz and some fine sand from 60 to 69 feet2269
Silt, sandy, limy, soft, brown; contains some pebbles2190
Ogallala formation
Sand, fine, brown; and silt, limy; contains fragments of lime20110
Sand, fine, soft, brown; less limy silt20130
Sand, fine, brown; increase in limy silt9139
Silt, sandy, soft, limy, gray and brown8147
Sand, fine, brown, intermixed with silt; contains some fine gravel; drilled alternately hard and soft6153
Sand, coarse, to gravel, coarse; contains well-rounded pebbles of quartz and granites; poorly sorted; drilled hard,7160
Silt, sandy, brown1161
Sand, coarse, to coarse gravel; contains pebbles of quartz, granite, and feldspar9170
Silt, sandy, brown3173
Sand, medium, to coarse gravel; poorly sorted17190
Sand, medium, to coarse gravel; predominately medium gravel17207
Greenhorn limestone
Shale, clayey, light gray to cream-colored, calcareous; upper part drilled hard2209
Shale, clayey, soft, calcareous, black3212
Shale, sandy, hard, gray0.5212.5

29. Log of test hole 29 in the NW corner sec. 32, T. 29 S., R. 26 W., Ford County, drilled by State and Federal Geological Surveys, 1939. Surface altitude, 2,545.5 feet. (Authority, samples studied by Perry M. McNally and H.A. Waite.) Thickness
Kingsdown silt (Pleistocene and Recent)
Top soil, sandy, clayey, brown44
Silt, limy, light brown1721
Silt, limy, gray; contains nodules of lime1031
Silt, sandy, brown to olive-green1546
Sand, fine to medium brown; interbedded with olive-green limy silt and small fragments of lime450
Silt, fine, sandy, brown to gray1565
Silt, limy, light gray to brown1176
Silt, limy, brown and gray; contains some coarser884
Silt, sandy, brown; contains some fine to coarse gravel690
Ogallala formation
Gravel, medium to coarse; very poorly sorted; contains some water-worn fragments of limestone; gravel contains pebbles of quartz and granite18108
Sand, medium, brown, to fine gravel, and sandy silt; contains much lime throughout; drilled alternately hard and soft12120
Sand, fine, uniform, brown10130
Gravel, medium to coarse; contains some sand30160
Sand, medium, brown, to coarse gravel13173
Silt, limy, brown; contains some medium sand and a few pebbles3176
Sand, medium, brown, to coarse gravel6182
Silt, sandy, limy, brown; contains some medium to coarse sand8190
Silt, fine, sandy, brown; contains some pebbles15205
Dakota formation
Shale, silty, clayey, soft, bluish-gray, contains a few yellow streaks; somewhat harder drilling from 220 to 260 feet55260

30. Log of irrigation well (24) of W.R.E. Hall in the NW NE sec. 8, T. 21 S., R. 32 W. (Authority, Ray Stevenson, driller.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Soil and clay2929
Gravel, coarse, and rock1585
Boulder, white792
Gravel, coarse56148
Niobrara formation
Clay, blue7155
Shale, blue-gray(?)

31. Log of irrigation well (115) of C.E. Boyd in the SW SW sec. 23, T. 23 S., R. 32 W., Finney County. (Authority, Leslie Pelner, driller.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Soil and clay7171
Sand, fine, dry2192
Sand and rock698
Sand, coarse, water bearing9107
Clay, blue5112
Sand, fine15127
Clay, sandy5132
Sand and rock, soft9141
Sand and coarse16157
Clay, sandy18175
Sand, fine32207
Clay and rock2209
Sand, coarse10219
Carlile shale
Mud, blue16235

32. Log of test hole of E. Caldwell in the NW SW sec. 24, T. 23 S., R. 33 W., Well (127) finished at 340 feet. (Authority, L.M. Waddell, driller.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Clay and rock2626
Clay and rock1060
Sand rock10160
Sand, coarse16204
Sand and clay6210
Sand, coarse, and gravel20255
Sand, coarse, and gravel17275
Rock and clay13290

33. Log of abandoned irrigation well of the Garden City Company in the NW NW sec. 30, T. 23 S., R. 33 W. (Authority, driller.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Soil and clay55
Clay, sandy2025
Sand, dry1944
Sand, hard2165
Sand, very fine2085
Sand, water bearing20105
Clay, yellow8113
Sand and gyp14127
Sand, very fine22149
Clay and gyp, hard22171
Clay, soft12183
Sand, water bearing57240
Sand, water bearing32277

34. Log of abandoned irrigation well (147) of the Garden City Company in the NW NW sec. 22, T. 23 S., R. 34 W. (Authority, driller.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Soil and clay5858
Sand, coarse563
Sand and clay76159
Sand and clay19199
Sand, tight73282
Sand, coarse11297

35. Log of abandoned irrigation well of the Garden City Company in the NE sec. 27, T. 23 S., R. 34 W. (Authority, United Well Works, Stuttgart, Arkansas.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Soil and clay4545
Sand, very fine3378
Clay and sand583
Sand, clay, and rock30155
Clay, red28183
Sand and rock3227
Sand, fine21248
Sand, coarse13261

36. Log of abandoned irrigation well of the Garden City Company in the NW SW sec. 33, T. 23 S., R. 34 W. (Authority, United Well Works, Stuttgart, Arkansas.) Thickness
Undifferentiated Pleistocene deposits and Ogallala formation
Soil and clay4040
Sand, white343
Sand, fine1058
Sand and "shale"2280
Sand, fine893
Sand, fine, water bearing120218
Sand and gravel12283
Sand and "shale"2291
Sand and gravel, hard, mixed3299

Wells 1-12 || Wells 13-24 || Wells 25-36 || Wells 37-48 || Wells 49-60

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Web version April 2002. Original publication date Dec. 1944.
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