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Logs of Test Holes and Wells, continued

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3-30-6bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 30 W., Decatur County, 150 feet south of the center line of U. S. Highway 36, 18 feet east of the NW cor. sec. 6; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 2,932.9 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, clayey, black to dark-brown 3 3
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, gray-tan 18 21
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan to tan-brown 6 27
Loveland silt member
Clay, compact, weakly calcareous, dark-brown 3 30
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 2 32
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan to gray 5 37
Ogallala formation
Clay, sandy, calcareous, tan-brown 24 61
Silt, sandy, calcareous, tan-brown 20 81
Clay, silty, light-tan; contains considerable fine sand 8 89
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 11 100
Clay, very sandy, limy 8 108
Sand, fine to medium, cemented; contains some red, sandy clay 20 128
Silt, and fine sand, gray to white 4 132
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, clayey 5 137
Silt, and fine sand, very limy, gray to white 21 158
Silt, and fine sand, very limy, gray to white; contains some fine gravel 10 168
Clay, sandy, partly cemented, light-tan 24 192
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine gravel 21 213
Sand, fine, cemented; contains some gray clay and fine gravel 31 244
Sand, fine to medium, partly cemented; contains much tan clay 10 254
Clay, sandy, tan to gray 6 260
Clay, sandy, tan to gray; contains some fine gravel 12 272
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, noncalcareous, yellow 3 275
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, dark-gray to black 5 280

3-30-30cc. Sample log of test hole in, the SW SW sec. 30, T. 3 S., R. 30 W., Decatur County, 80 feet east of the SW cor. sec. 30, 10 feet north of road center; drilled June 1952. Surface altitude, 2,840.0 feet; depth to water level, 98.70 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 3 3
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan 25 28
Loveland silt member
Clay, compact, silty, slightly calcareous, tan-brown 4 32
Clay, very sandy, calcareous, reddish-tan 6 38
Ogallala formation
Silt, limy, sandy, cemented, white 11.5 49.5
Sand, fine silty, cemented 5.5 55
Silt, very limy, hard, white 3.5 58.5
Clay, sandy, tan-gray 3.5 62
Sand, fine, cemented, light-gray 8.5 70.5
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 9.5 80
Sand, cemented, limy, gray-white 5 85
Clay, sandy and limy, tan-gray 9 94
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, partly cemented 4 98
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 6 104
Clay, compact, noncalcareous, tan-yellow 6 110
Sand, medium to coarse, and tan to yellow silty clay 3 113
Sand, medium to coarse, and fine to medium gravel 17 130
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, noncalcareous, yellow-gray 6 136
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, gray 2 138

3-31-6bb. Sample log of test hole in the NW NW sec. 6, T. 8 S., R. 31 W., on the section line, 25 feet south of the NW cor. sec. 6; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 2,914.0 feet; depth to water level, 99.00 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, clayey, calcareous, tan to gray 9 9
Silt, clayey, calcareous, tan-brown 4 13
Clay, silty, calcareous, light-tan 2 15
Ogallala formation
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, cemented, light-tan to tan-brown 6 21
Sand, fine, and silty clay; contains some clay 6 27
Sand fine to coarse, clayey 2 29
Clay, sandy, gray 3 32
Sand, fine to coarse, silty, partly cemented 8 40
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 4 44
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented 32 76
Sand, fine to medium, silty 7 83
Sand, fine to coarse, silty, loosely cemented 10 93
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented; contains thin clay zones, and uncemented sand zones 13 106
Clay, very sandy, tan-gray 13 119
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 4 123
Clay, sandy, tan to gray 4 127
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, clayey, yellow-gray 19 146
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, black 3 149

3-32-31bc. Sample log of test hole in the SW NW sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 32 W., 0.25 mile south of the NW cor. sec. 31, 20 feet east of the road center; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 3,083.6 feet; depth to water level, 109.60 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Soil, clayey, noncalcareous, black 1 1
Silt, calcareous, tan to gray 30 31
Silt, clayey, red-brown 5 36
Loveland silt member
Silt, weakly calcareous. dark-gray 3 39
Clay, soft, calcareous, light-tan 26 65
Clay, soft, silty, calcareous, light-tan 13 78
Ogallala formation
Clay, sandy, light-tan 2.5 80.5
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey, light-tan 9.5 90
Sand, fine to medium, clayey 4 94
Clay, tan-brown; contains much gravel 5 99
Sand and gravel; contains considerable silt and clay 18 117
Clay, compact, tan-brown; contains some sand 3 120
Sand, fine to medium 4 124
Clay, sandy, tan-gray 1.5 125.5
Clay, sandy to silty, red-brown 3.5 129
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey, tan-gray 6 135
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 23 158
Clay, sandy, tan 4 162
Sand, fine to medium; contains some silty clay 14 176
Clay, very sandy, gray-white 2 178
Sand, fine to medium; contains a few thin clay zones 27 205
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some clay 19 224
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow-gray 4 228
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, black 2 230

3-32-36aa. Sample log of test hole in the NE NE sec. 36, T. 3 S., R. 32 W., on the section line 800 feet south of the NE cor. sec. 36; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 2,987.8 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 4.5 4.5
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, tan to gray 24 28.5
Loveland silt member
Clay, weakly calcareous, brown 1 29.5
Ogallala formation
Clay, soft, limy, tan 5.5 35
Clay, sandy to silty, tan to white 11 46
Sand, silty and limy 5 51
Sand, partly cemented; contains some clay 27 78
Sand, fine to coarse 7 85
Sand, fine to medium, clayey, partly cemented 21 106
Sand, fine, very clayey 1 107
Sand, fine to medium, silty 2.5 109.5
Sand, loosely cemented, tan-brown 8.5 118
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 7 125
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented 10 135
Sand, fine to medium, very limy, cemented 20 155
Clay, compact, silty, gray-green 3 158
Sand, fine to medium, cemented 6 164
Sand, fine to medium; contains some silt 4 168
Clay, compact, sandy, tan 4 172
Sand, fine to medium 10 182
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some gravel 2 184
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow-gray 21.5 205.5
Shale, clayey, black 1.5 207

3-33-31ba. Sample log of test hole in the NE NW sec. 31, T. 3 S., R. 33 W., 25 feet south and 10 feet east of the NW cor. of the NE NW sec. 31; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 3,090.8 feet; depth to water level, 143.50 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Soil, clayey, noncalcarcous, black 1.5 1.5
Silt, calcareous, tan-gray 9.5 11
Silt, fossiliferous, calcareous, tan-gray 23 34
Clay, silty, tan-brown 3 37
Ogallala formation
Clay, silty, tan; contains some gravel 10 47
Clay, compact, limy, tan 5 52
Clay, silty, tan-brown; contains a few thin sand zones, 5 57
Sand, clayey, tan 6 63
Sand, fine to medium, red-brown; contains a trace of silt and clay 13 76
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel 4 80
Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented, tan 7.5 87.5
Sand, fine, cemented, tan-brown 8.5 96
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 10 106
Sand, fine, cemented; contains some gravel 11 117
Sand, fine to coarse, silty 4 121
Sand, fine, cemented, light-tan 5 126
Sand, fine to coarse, loosely cemented 3 129
Sand, fine to medium, cemented, tan 6 135
Sand, medium to fine, light-gray 4 139
Sand, fine to medium; contains some silt 10 149
Sand, fine to medium 17 166
Sand, clayey, red-brown 11 177
Pierre shale
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, dark-gray to black 3 180

3-35-25ad. Sample log of test hole in the SE NE sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 35 W., on west side of road 0.1 mile north of the center of the east side sec. 25; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 3,143.5 feet; depth to water level, 144.20 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Soil, clayey, black 1.5 1.5
Silt, calcareous, tan-gray 19.5 21
Silt, calcareous, clayey, tan-brown 24 45
Ogallala formation
Clay, sandy, tan; contains some gravel 4 49
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 4 53
Clay, compact, limy, white 2 55
Sand, fine to medium, silty, green 5 60
Sand, fine to medium, clayey, brown 6 66
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, silty, loosely cemented 6 72
Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented 12 84
Sand and clay, tan to gray 24 108
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 12 120
Clay and sand, medium hard 20 140
Sand, fine to medium, cemented 18 158
Sand, fine to coarse 2 160
Clay, silty, tan to white; contains some fine sand 2 162
Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented 3 165
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow-gray 4 169
Shale, clayey, noncalcareous, gray to black 1 170

3-36-6bbb. Sample log of test hole in the NW cor. sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 36 W., drilled September 1950. Surface altitude, 3,386.8 feet. (Prescott, 1953) Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Silt, black 2 2
Silt, clayey, calcareous, tan 88 90
Silt, clayey, tan; zones of soft caliche 42 132
Ogallala formation
Clay, white, some fine sand and caliche 13 145
Mortar bed, tan 12 157
Clay, sandy, white to tan; contains caliche 28 185
Gravel, very fine, some medium to very coarse sand and caliche 7 192
Gravel, very fine, some coarse sand; contains sandy clay 37 229
Caliche, white 1 230
Mortar bed, tan 2.5 232.5
Sand, medium to coarse 6 238.5
Mortar bed, tan 58.5 297
Gravel, very fine, and coarse sand; contains thin beds of clay and caliche 15 312
Pierre shale
Shale, yellow 6 318
Shale, dark-gray 5 323

3-36-21ba. Driller's log of McDonald city well in the NE NW sec. 21, T. 8 S., R. 36 W., drilled by C. Robbins, 1948. Surface altitude, 3,359.5 feet; depth to water level, 198 feet. Thickness,
Sanborn formation
Soil 7 7
Clay, yellow 119 126
Ogallala formation
Magnesia 34 160
Sandstone 15 175
Sand, medium 3 178
Rock, porous 2 180
Rock, very hard 9 189
Gravel 7 196
Sand and rock 4 200
Magnesia rock 10 210
Cement 10 220
Sandstone 20 240
Sand and gravel 3 243
Clay, sandy, brown 19 262
Magnesia 2 264
Sand, fine 25 289
Sandstone 6 295
Plaster sand 7 302
Rock, cemented, very hard, white 3 305

3-36-30cc. Sample log of test hole in the SW SW sec. 30, T. 3 S., R. 36 W., 10 feet north of road center, 100 feet east of the SW cor. sec. 30; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 3,377.0 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 2 2
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Clay, blocky, silty, calcareous, gray 2 4
Silt, calcareous, gray 20 24
Clay, calcareous, silty, tan 32 56
Silt, soft, sandy, calcareous 9 65
Clay, compact, light-tan 10 75
Ogallala formation
Clay, compact, sandy 5 80
Clay, silty, white; contains some sand 10 90
Sand, fine to coarse, loosely cemented 25 115
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey, tan 30 145
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some gravel 10 155
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse, loosely cemented 4 159
Sand, fine to medium, clayey 32 191
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 2 193
Sand, fine to medium, clayey 39 232
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented 7 239
Sand and gravel, fine to coarse 7 246
Clay, sandy, gray 8 254
Sand, fine to medium, loosely cemented 11 265
Clay, sandy, tan-brown 3 268
Sand, fine to medium, clayey 38 306
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow-gray 10 316
Shale, clayey, dark-gray to black 4 320

3-36-36aa. Sample log of test hole in the NE NE sec. 36, T. 3 S., R. 36 W., 10 feet west of road center, 400 feet south of NE cor. sec. 86; drilled July 1952. Surface altitude, 3,239.7 feet; depth to water level, 135.40 feet. Thickness,
Road fill 1.5 1.5
Sanborn formation
Peoria silt member
Silt, calcareous, tan-gray 29.5 31
Silt, clayey, calcareous, tan-gray 10 41
Clay, silty, calcareous, tan-gray 6 47
Ogallala formation
Clay, silty, light-tan; contains some gravel 8 55
Clay, sandy, calcareous, light-tan 10 65
Clay and sand, tan to white 11 76
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some coarse gravel 8 84
Sand, fine to medium, partly cemented; contains some thin clay zones 8 92
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some silt and fine to medium gravel 16 108
Sand, fine to medium; contains some sandy clay 9 117
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented 10 127
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some gravel 7 134
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 4 138
Sand, fine to medium, cemented 4 142
Sand, fine to coarse; contains some gravel in stringers 10 152
Sand, fine to coarse, cemented, light-tan 12 164
Clay, sandy, tan-brown 6 170
Sand, fine to coarse, clayey 7 177
Sand, fine to medium, partly cemented 25 202
Sand, fine, silty, tan-brown 5 207
Pierre shale
Shale, weathered, yellow-gray 11.5 218.5
Shale, clayey, dark-gray to black 1.5 220

T. 1 S. || T. 2 S. || T. 3 S. || T. 4 S. || T. 5 and 6 S.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web Nov. 17, 2008; originally published Dec. 1956.
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