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Kansas Core Library

Most core is stored at the Kansas Geological Survey building in Lawrence and are available for inspection. Please contact the Lawrence Core Library at 785-864-2098 or Nikki Potter, Manager of the KGS Geologic Materials Archive and Laboratory. If core is flagged as being stored at the Wichita Office of the Kansas Geological Survey, please contact them at (316) 943-2343 or Doug Louis, Manager, Kansas Geologic Sample Repository.

Enter values for any or all parameters
Section: Township: South; Range: East: or West:
(Enter all or part of a lease name. Case doesn't matter.
Leave off well number.)
Operator (original):
(Enter all or part of an operator name. Case doesn't matter.)
State: API Well No.:
(API Well No. is the 5-digit well number. Use the menus to select state and county.)

About the KGS Core Library

The Drill Core Library at the Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) is the repository for over 68,000 boxes of core and rock samples, representing more than 5,500 drill holes, primarily from Kansas, but with a few representative samples from surrounding states. These materials are available for public viewing and research at our facilities, and on a limited basis for check out. Public facilities include a core examination layout room and binocular microscope. We also provide limited processing of cores for slabbing, sampling, and photographing. Nominal fees are charged for services Patrons may visit during regular business hours, or may contact the Library by phone, fax, or email.

Collections are indexed using the Public Land Survey System (Section, Township, and Range), well names and numbers, and API numbers; customers should submit requests by supplying as much of this information as possible.

It is preferred that core examination and sampling be carried out at KGS facilities. Special provisions are required to check out material.

Hours: 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:00, Monday-Friday, except state and federal holidays.

Fee Schedule
Retrieving and Restocking of Core:
$5.00 per box, with a $20.00 minimum.
$40.00 per hour (Labor charges will apply to research of data or materials done by KGS personnel in excess of 60 minutes).
Core Slabbing: $15.00 per linear foot for most sedimentary rocks; $20.00 per linear foot for silicates and chert; $25.00 per linear foot for igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Standard Core Plugs (1 inch dia. x 1 inch long): $15.00 per plug, and $15.00 per inch over 1 inch.
Large Core Plugs (1.5 inch dia. x 1 inch long): $40.00 per plug, and $40.00 per inch over 1 inch.
Thin Section Blanks: $20.00 each.
Bulk Samples: $20.00 each.
Digital Core Photography:
$10.00 per sample box.
$10.00 per close-up.
Charge for the CD: $10.00
Packaging for shipment: $0.85 per pound, with a $10.00 minimum.
All shipping charges are paid for by the customer.
No international shipping.
Overdue Charges:
$25.00 per box per month.
Table Space:
Assigned, based on limited availability.
Binocular Microscope:
$15.00 per day.

Effective Feb. 19, 2013.

Payment is through the KGS Publications and Shipping Department. The preferred method of payment is by credit card (please call with credit card number; do not email or fax). Sales tax, shipping, and handling fees will be added as appropriate.

The following policy guidelines apply

  1. The Kansas Geological Survey (KGS) reserves the right to limit core sampling, slabbing, and check-out, and to restrict access to cores and samples that are part of any on-going project.
  2. Requests or cancellations received after 3:00 PM are considered next workday's business.
  3. Cancellations of scheduled activities with less than 2 workdays notice are billed in full.
  4. No more than 25% of any interval of a core may be removed for destructive testing, except by special dispensation by the KGS.
  5. A record of all geologic materials removed must be filed with the KGS before such materials leave the premises. When core materials are removed, a card listing the following information will be inserted in the appropriate position with the core box:
    1. name of individual,
    2. name of organization,
    3. date removed,
    4. depth interval, and
    5. type of analysis must be clearly specified in advance.
  6. All samples checked out:
    1. shall be returned to the KGS within six months of check-out date;
    2. special provisions must be made in advance when a longer period of time is required for sample analysis.
  7. Results of studies must be submitted to the KGS as follows:
    1. Laboratory analyses must be submitted within 12 months of check-out date, and may include:
      1. chemical;
      2. x-ray;
      3. microprobe;
      4. radiometric age date;
      5. petrographic or textural;
      6. biostratigraphic, including lists of all identified taxa;
      7. source or reservoir rock;
      8. core description;
      9. other analyses.
    2. Thin sections, polished sections, and slabs prepared from KGS materials shall be reposited with the KGS within 18 months of check-out date.
    3. A copy of reports or theses based on KGS materials shall be submitted to the KGS upon completion, except as provided in section (7)(d).
    4. When later submittal dates of analyses, reports, and theses are required for confidentiality purposes, special provisions may be made, although the expected date of submittal must be clearly specified in advance;
    5. All analyses and reports submitted to the KGS are public domain.
  8. Any fossil and special collections recovered from KGS materials and used in stratigraphic or paleontologic studies:
    1. must be housed in a recognized repository after completion of study;
    2. repository facilities at the KGS are preferred, although other university, museum, or industry repositories may be acceptable if agreed by the KGS;
    3. If a repository outside the KGS is utilized, the following provisions hold:
      1. Repository file or catalog numbers for collections will be recorded and submitted to the KGS within one month after being reposited;
      2. collections will be fully accessible to KGS personnel;
      3. KGS may check out collections for periods not to exceed 12 contiguous months or as repository policies allow;
      4. Any collection no longer maintained by another repository shall be returned to the KGS, unless KGS agrees to an alternate arrangement.

Listing of all holdings

You may also have all the data currently available in one file. The link below contains the data in a comma-delimited, ASCII file that should be readable by normal spreadsheet or database software.
Hold your right mouse button down when you click on the link and select "Save Link to Disk" from the pop-up menu or the data file will be displayed as a web page. On Macintosh computers, hold your mouse button down and a pop-up menu should appear. (July 3, 2024)

KansCAL: The Kansas Core Analysis Laboratory

The Kansas Core Analysis Laboratory is operated as a service to the people and industry of Kansas providing routine and special core analysis to determine rock quality.

Kansas Geological Survey, Core Library
Comments to
Program Updated Oct. 28, 2008
Data added periodically.