KGS Home Page Water Resouces Water Well Database

Water Well Completion Records (WWC5) Database

Use this form to search the KGS index of water wells. In Kansas, Township values vary from 1 in the north to 35 in the south, and the values for Range are from 1-43 West and 1-25 East. Values for Section are 1 to 36. For additional information or to purchase scans or copies of forms, see our Data Resources Library. Water well records are sent to the KGS for archival and public access from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Geology and Well Technology Section, Water Well Program.

Choose wells by entering a legal description OR county name.
Legal Description
Section (optional):
Township: South
Range: East: or West:

Interactive Map of WWC5 data

KDHE Section-Township-Range Finder

Status map of WWC5 database
Water Well Contractors Information

Statewide statistics of wells drilled

Water Use Code Statistics

Water Weblinks

Archives containing all well data

The next links points to pre-created files containing the data for all wells in the state. The format is the same as the files saved using the above query. The file containing all the wells in Kansas is a large zip file (about 290,000 wells). Please use the above query to find the most up-to-date data or to receive more manageable amounts of data.

  • (March 3, 2025)
  • Same as wwc5_wells but with additional columns for casing, screen, gravel pack, grouting, etc. (Those columns not entered for very many wells.) (March 3, 2025)
  • Contains lithologic info for those wells that have had lithology entered by KGS staff (about 78% of wells). (March 3, 2025)

Interpreted Logs

These links point to comma-delimited ASCII files containing a table of interpreted WWC5 logs and two tables used in the interpretation process. Lithologic intervals from approximately 197,500 logs across the state have been assigned standardized descriptions and further characterized into five property categories to facilitate aquifer characterization.

Open File Report: Explanation of Quantitatively Interpreted Logs in the Kansas Geological Survey's WWC5 Database

Data tables as of August 3, 2020.

These next two searches create files containing wells based on the date chosen.
Wells Constructed in...
Wells Plugged in...

FGDC Metadata Information for this set is available.

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to

Data added continuously.