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Geohydrology of Wallace County

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Logs of Test Holes and Wells

Listed on the following pages are logs of 190 test holes and wells in Wallace County and adjoining areas. Of these test holes, 70 are drilled, 31 are augered, and 4 are jetted, all by the State Geological Survey of Kansas. Also included are drillers logs of 51 irrigation wells, 32 seismograph shotholes, 1 domestic well, and 1 test hole. Logs designated "sample logs" describe test holes from which samples were collected. The logs are numbered according to the well-numbering system illustrated in Figure 2. Locations of wells and test holes are shown on Plate 1. Plate 2 illustrates the character of material penetrated by the test holes. Water-level measurements are stated in feet below land surface.

T. 10 S. || T. 11 S. || T. 12 S. || T. 13 S. || T. 14 S. || T. 15 and 16 S.

10-37-32ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 32, T. 10 S., R. 37 W., Sherman County (Prescott, 1953, p. 118); drilled August 1949. Altitude of land surface, 3,307.8 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, dark brown99
Silt, light brown; contains snail shells; sandy from 40 to 44 feet3544
Silt, black; contains many snail shells246
Ogallala Formation
Sand, coarse, and fine to coarse gravel753
Mortar bed356
Sand, fine to medium; contains cemented layers from 60 to 70 feet1470
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; contains a little medium to coarse gravel1080
Sand, fine to coarse; contains cemented layers of sand and gravel1797
Mortar bed5102
Sand, medium to coarse; contains a little gravel; partially cemented6108
Sand, fine to medium4112
Gravel, medium to coarse4116
Cretaceous--Upper Cretaceous
Pierre Shale
Shale, light gray to red brown4120
Shale, light gray3123
Shale, dark blue7130
10-40-36ddd--Sample log of test hole in SE SE SE sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 40 W., Sherman County (Prescott, 1950, p. 121); drilled September 1949. Altitude of land surface, 3,721.1 feet. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, dark brown11
Silt, tan2425
Silt, red brown227
Ogallala Formation
Clay and silt, cream colored; sandy from 30 to 35 feet835
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to coarse gravel540
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand; contains some pebbles 1 inch in diameter1252
Clay and silt, gray1365
Clay and silt, white267
Cretaceous--Upper Cretaceous
Pierre Shale
Clay, yellow brown and greenish370
Shale, yellow brown1080
10-42-36ccc--Sample log of test hole in SW SW SW sec. 36, T. 10 S., R. 42 W., Sherman County (Prescott, 1953, p. 124); drilled September 1949. Altitude of land surface, 3,868.8 feet; depth to water 36.7 feet, October 1, 1949. Thickness,
Peoria and Loveland Formations
Silt, sandy, brown33
Ogallala Formation
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains coarse sand from 10 to 17 feet1417
Gravel, fine to coarse; contains silt and very fine sand724
Silt, clay, and very fine sand731
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to coarse gravel; contains a little silt and very fine sand940
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel; contains silt, very fine sand, and a little coarse gravel1050
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; contains much silt and very fine sand1464
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine to medium gravel; contains a little coarse gravel1175
Gravel, medium to coarse580
Gravel, fine to coarse, and coarse sand888
Silt and very fine sand, brown290
Clay, yellow brown797
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel3100
Sand, fine to coarse, and fine gravel; contains a little medium to coarse gravel and yellow clay26126
Cretaceous--Upper Cretaceous
Pierre Shale
Shale, yellow brown to light gray14140

T. 10 S. || T. 11 S. || T. 12 S. || T. 13 S. || T. 14 S. || T. 15 and 16 S.

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Kansas Geological Survey, Geology
Placed on web July 11, 2007; originally published November 1963.
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