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Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2001-14
2000 Digital Petroleum Atlas Annual Report
As the DPA began, the primary task was gathering data at the field and well scale and placing this data online. As a home page, we created an interactive map of Kansas linked to all the counties in the state (Figure 1). The Kansas DPA Home Page remains the primary portal, and provides numerous paths to access Kansas petroleum information and technology at the various geographic scales and topical areas. Access is provided to reviews of the regional geological setting, overviews of oil and gas plays and to information and technology at the county, field and well levels. The total number of static web pages exceeds 3,000. This is a 50 percent decrease from previous years, but dynamic pages constructed using programs that access relational databases are replacing static web pages.
The DPA provides access to a number of regional maps, studies and data sets (e.g., gravity and magnetics, and discussions of Kansas oil and gas provinces). The summary of the status of various components of the DPA is summarized on the web (Figure 11, http://www.kge.ku.edu/DPA/Reports/statusChart.html). As part of fourth year of the DPA project, studies were undertaken at three Kansas fields and producing areas. These were added to the previously existing field studies. The additions are:
The Box Ranch Field is shown as an example of the new approach to generation of dynamic web pages accessing relational databases. The Box Ranch Field is presented within a regional framework (Figure 2), and contains multiple structure and isopach maps covering the field (Figure 12). The maps show the structural nose that forms the trap. Field production data is generated from a query to the production data table. Lease production is summed to generate the most current annual and cumulative production data (Figure 13). A table of lease production data is generated on request (Figure 14). The lease production data contains cumulative production data for oil and gas from each lease. The table can be sorted by multiple parameters. Individual annual and monthly lease production data can be accessed (figures 15, 16). In addition information on individual wells can be accessed from multiple tables (figures 17a,b,c). Data includes geologic tops used in the structure and isopach maps, list of electric logs available in paper and digital formats and links to data from completion forms (Figure 18) and drill stem tests (Figure 19). New data and research products continue to be added to each field study, as they become available. Publication in the DPA is an ongoing process that continuously updates the data and technology associated with each field study. The addition of the ability to query relational databases increased the efficiency of updating previously completed field studies. Each field study homepage provides a map of the field area, basic field and discovery information, and a standardized set of links to additional geologic, geophysical, engineering and production data.
Table of Contents | Previous Page | Figure 10 | Next Page | Figure 11 |