KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Well Completion Records

Scans of Well Records Available for Kansas

Use this form to search the KGS index of scanned ACO-1s, drillers logs, and other well completion forms. Progress maps of the scanning project are available here. For additional information or to purchase scans or copies of forms, see our Data Resources Library.

In Kansas, Township values vary from 1 in the north to 35 in the south, and the values for Range are from 1-43 West and 1-25 East. Values for Section are 1 to 36. Range Direction is ignored unless a Range value is entered.

Enter values for any or all parameters
Section: Township: South; Range: or
(Enter all or part of a lease name. Case doesn't matter.
Leave off well number.)
Operator (original):
(Enter all or part of an operator name. Case doesn't matter.)
State: API Well No.:
(API Well No. is the 5-digit well number. Use the menus to select state and county.)

You will need the Acrobat PDF Reader available free from Adobe, to read the KCC or KGS PDF images. For a complete listing of oil and gas wells in Kansas, please see the Master List of Oil and Gas Wells.

Other information online...

Kansas Geological Survey, Well Record Scan Database
Comments to
Scans added periodically.