Repository and Ordering Information

Oil and Gas Production Data

Production data through November 2024 added February 24, 2025.

Wells, Logs, Core, and other databases

Master list of oil and gas wells All oil and gas wells in the KGS database. Can save lists of wells to a text file. Linked to the other types of data available (LAS files, cuttings, scans, tops, etc.).

These next searches are subsets of the master list, limited to wells containing the necessary attribute.
Wireline Logs and Geologist's Report Wireline Log Headers--nearly complete list of paper logs stored in the KGS data library. LAS Files Available--shows only logs that are Digital Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files.
  Scanned Wireline Logs--shows only wells with logs that have been scanned into TIF files.  
Core Core Library Index--stored at the KGS Core Library in Lawrence Images of core
  Scanned core analyses Core Analysis Data
Other data linked to master list Scanned ACO-1's, drillers logs, intents, plugging reports, etc. from the KGS and KCC Rotary-cutting samples--stored at the KGS Wichita Office.
  Tops data DST data
  Proration Data Gas Pressure Tests Plugged Oil and Gas Wells
  Fluid Injection Database (UIC Reports) Show Horizontal or Slant Wells in Kansas
  Wells reaching the Precambrian  
Other oil and gas well data Search for brine analyses in Kansas. List of well status codes
Status maps of scanning projects,
Distribution of well samples preserved,
Statistics on wells drilled in Kansas,
Statistics on wells by County,
File Format Tools, information on software to view
and use the files we distribute on our web pages
FGDC Metadata for the Well Database

ASCII and ZIP'd files containing well data

These next links point to pre-created files containing oil and gas well data. They are in the same format as the files saved using the Master list of oil and wells.

All Wells; Comma-delimited text file. (March 3, 2025) For the latest data, use link below.
Oil and Gas Wells Download: Download as CSV, KML, Shapefile, GeoJSON, or File Geodatabase. Updated nightly (see Download Options on linked page). Column Definitions (.xlsx)
All Tops Comma-delimited text file. (March 3, 2025) NOTE: Tops are derived from various sources and are not necessarily confirmed by the KGS.
These searches create files containing wells based on the date chosen.
spudded in...
permitted in...
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